Open-access Eradication treatments of Xanthomonas vesicatoria and its effect on the quality of tomato seeds

The efficiency of physical and chemical treatments in eradicating X. vesicatoria from tomato seeds and their effect on the physiological and sanitary quality of the seeds was evaluated. Seeds of tomato cv. 'Santa Clara Miss Brasil' were inoculated by vacuum with the strain ENA 4463 from X. vesicatoria. After the application of the treatment, the seeds were dried in a ventilated hothouse at 35°C to achieve 8 to 9% of water content. The following treatments were used: HCl at 5% for 10 minutes, dry heat (70°C for 96 hours), immersion in hot water at a temperature of 50°C for 25 and 30 minutes, and uninoculated original seeds and seeds solely inoculated as controls. The physiological and sanitary quality of the seeds were evaluated after 24 hours, and then, after 15 and 30 days of storage in a fridge, by means of germination tests, blotter test and isolation in a semi-selective medium (NAM). The treatment with HCl at 5% was efficient in eradicating X. vesicatoria from tomato seeds and increased germination speed when seeds were sown immediately after the treatment, but germination and seedling vigor were affected when seeds were stored. The dry heat treatment (70°C for 96 hours) reduced the bacteria population in the seeds significantly and germination speed, in the evaluation carried out 24 hours after the treatment, though the physiological quality of the seeds was not affected by storage. Treatment with hot water for 25 and 30 minutes did not affect the physiological quality of the seeds, but was not efficient in eradicating or reducing X. vesicatoria.

Lycopersicon esculentum; seed pathology; seed treatment; bacterial spot; control

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