Open-access Playing with space: a proposal for SUS Technical Health Schools

The present article is a report of an experience in architectural projects for building eight new technical health schools for SUS (ETSUS) and remodeling seven existing schools. In order to do so, PROFAE (Project for the Training of Nursing Professionals) organized the Project and Building Bureau, related to Project Component II and composed by four architects specialized in hospital architecture. Besides, it engaged the technical staff in charge of remodeling and improving ETSUS and other participant schools. The project was developed from September 2001 and October 2002, when preliminary studies were carried out and the projects were concluded and submitted to legal approval. The development of the projects was based on the following principles: the creation of flexible spaces to cope with transformation in health services and with professional training both in high-cost technology and in activities related to basic health assistance, the choice of architectural emphasis on energy saving, the reinforcement of ETSUS identity and the creation of projects that would help technical schools sustainability.

technical education in Health; education in human resources; health architecture; nursing; technical health schools

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