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The making of sketches of ocean fish during the "philosophical travels" (1783) to Pará and Angola

With the aim of evaluating the creation and use of images in Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira's Viagem Philosophica, the article examines the drawings of ocean fish made by J. J. Freire and J. J. Codina during their crossing from Lisbon to Belém, Pará. To help understand the techniques and methods common to these images, drawings produced during the "Philosophical Travels" to Pará were compared with those from voyages to Portugal's African colonies, since the draftsmen had been trained together and assigned the same task: sketching the products of natural history. Through reference to written documents from the journeys to Pará and to Angola - including manifests of collections, travel correspondence, and museum inventories - sketches of ocean fish made by draftsmen from both expeditions were located and compared.

Philosophical Travels; Angola; Pará; sketches; ocean fish

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