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On Darwin, black boxes and the amazing return of 'creationism'

On the second half of 1999, a North-American state ruled that Darwin's Evolution theory and the biblical Genesis should have the same relevance in its schools program. Considering this event, the present article discusses the strengthening (even though restricted) of 'creationism', the old concept that presents the origin of the world and of Man as the result of divine creation. Consequently, at first, we analyzed Darwin's Black Box, a book by biochemist Michael Behe's, who is probably the most sophisticated representative of such concept, although he does not consider himself so. Secondly, we present some hypothesis on the historical and social conditions that enabled the expansion of creationism. Special emphasis was given to that which some social scientists recently called 'the re-enchantment of the world', a process related to a demand characterized by mystical explanations that ensures significance to the fragmentation of the contemporary world.

Darwin; evolutionism; creationism; the re-enchantment of the world; anthropomorphization

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