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Education and health propaganda: repercussions of a Brazilian sanitarian’s training at the Rockefeller Foundation


This article discusses the influence that training at the Rockefeller Foundation had on the activities early-career professionals carried out in health leadership positions in Brazil. We present methods of education and health propaganda at this American institution, as well as posters prepared at the direction of the physician Antonio Luis Cavalcanti de Albuquerque de Barros Barreto during the health reform in Bahia. After returning from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, where he received a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship in 1921-1922, this doctor helped to distribute the knowledge he acquired abroad throughout Brazil.

Rockefeller Foundation; health education; health propaganda

Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Av. Brasil, 4365, 21040-900 , Tel: +55 (21) 3865-2208/2195/2196 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil