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Second Conference of the Brazilian Studies Association


Second Conference of the Brazilian Studies Association

Edward Riedinger

Professor da Ohio State University (EUA)

The Second Conference of the Brazilian Studies Association (Brasa) met during 11-13 May 1995 at the University of Minnesota, in Minneapolis. Brasa was founded and conducted its first conference, in March of last year in Atlanta, Georgia, meeting in conjunction with the conference of the Latin American Studies Association. Brasa now has more than three hundred members, comprised of academic specialists on Brazil from the United States, Brazil, Europe, and Latin America. A hundred members attended this year's conference. Brasa headquarters are located at the Latin American Institute of the University of New Mexico.

A sad occurrence overshadowed the second conference insofar as one of Brasa's founders and its vice-president and president-elect, prof. Roberto Reis, died in sporting accident last December. A highly reputed literary scholar, he was to have hosted the Minnesota conference and had already laid the groundwork for its occurrence. Fortunately, it was able to continue due to the support of the University of Minnesota and its Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Prof. Reis' wife, Mrs. Antônia, also greatly aided in the success of the conference.

The conference was opened by the consul general of Brazil in Chicago, the hon. Guilherme F. da Cunha Bastos. During the plenary meeting a successor to prof. Reis was elected. The new vice-president/president-elect of Brasa is the noted historian, prof. Elizabeth Kuznesof, of the University of Kansas. Also discussed in the plenary was planning for the Third Brasa Conference, which will be held at King's College, Cambridge University (England) in September of next year.

Several dozen papers dealing with Brazilian culture, education, history, land reform, language, libraries, literature, national security, politics, women's studies, and numerous other topics were presented and discussed. Below is a list of the those papers which will be published in the Proceedings of the Second Brasa Conference.

Individual further interested in Brasa May contact its president, prof. Jon Tolman, of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM 87131).

Conference Presentations

Marta Almeida (University of Florida) — Portuguese Pronoun Use and Elements of Style as Indicators of Political Ideology: A Descriptive Analysis of the Speeches of Two Female Brazilian Public Figures

Junia de Castro Magalhães Alves (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) — The Dialectics of Family and Gender in Toys in the Attic and Jorginho o machão

Piers Armstrong (University of California, Los Angeles) — João Guimarães Rosa, Jorge Amado and the International Receptions of Brazilian Culture

Jossiana Arroyo (University of California, Berkeley) — Desire and Urban Landscapes: Homosociality and Reinventions of Culture

Roderick J. Barman (University of British Columbia) — Brazil: A Nation State Consolidated or a Nation State Undone?

Amélia Rosa Sá Barretto (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) — O que está em jogo na avaliação das universidades brasileiras?

Tânia Maria Tavares Bessone (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) — O comércio de livros no Brasil e a formação de bibliotecas particulares no Rio de Janeiro

Dain Borges (University of California, San Diego) — Race Science and Psyche in Euclides da Cunha's Os sertões

Dario Borim (University of Minnesota) — Dissenting Selves in an Authoritarian Culture: Alienation and Self-Realization in the Autobiographies of Sant'Anna, Paiva, and Maciel

Luiz Roberto Velloso Cairo (Universidade Estadual de São Paulo, Assis) — Santiago Nunes Ribeiro and the National Character of Brazilian Literature

Maria Consuelo Cunha Campos (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) — Building Identities: Gender and Ethnicity in Brazilian Women Writers' Fiction

Joyce Carlson-Leavitt (University of New Mexico) — Chiquinha Gonzaga Revisited

Bobby J. Chamberlain (University of Pittsburgh) — Sob o limiar da fala: Language and the Representation of the Subaltern in Vidas secas and A hora da estrela

Viviane Cunha (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) — The Women Weavers

Lucia Maria Paschoal Guimarães (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) — A comunidade dos países de língua portuguesa: limites e possibilidades

Cyana M. Leahy-Dios (University of London) — Uma experiência com literatura infantil em bibliotecas escolares estaduais no Rio de Janeiro

David Lehmann (Cambridge University) — Problems of Method in the Study of Religion in Brazil: The Cases of Pentecostalism and "Basista" Catholicism

Arlindo Machado (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo) — Vídeo-arte: a aventura brasileira

Irene A. Machado (Universidade Católica, São Paulo) — A cultura literária no Brasil: a prosa dialógica e a criação da prosaica do romance por M. M. Bakhtin

Cavan M. McCarthy (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco) — Brazilian Bibliographic Information Systems at the Dawn of the Electronic Age

Jorge Vital Moreira (University of Minnesota) — O sacrifício do filho, a revolta da mãe e a destruição do pai: a liquidação do autoritarismo em Quarup; discursos culturais, hierarquia e direitos humanos no Brasil

Consuelo Navarro (University of Minnesota) — A identidade fora do lugar: Carolina Maria de Jesus e seu intento falido de inserção histórica no Brasil moderno

Eni de Mesquita Samara (Universidade de São Paulo) — Mão-de-obra feminina, oportunidades e mercado de trabalho no Brasil, século XX

Maria Beatriz Nizza da Silva (Universidade de São Paulo) — Illegitimate Children in Late Colonial Brazil

Eliana Maria de Melo Souza (Universidade Estadual de São Paulo, Araraquara) — Sergio Buarque de Holanda: enraizamento e cultura política

Scott D. Tollefson (Naval Postgraduate School) — Democratization, Civil-Military Relations, and National Security Policy in Brazil

Luiz Fernando Valente (Brown University) — O jornalismo de José de Alencar Situational Ethnic Selection in a Brazilian Studies Classroom

Linda Wimmer (University of Minnesota) — Erva Santa: The Transculturation of Brazilian Tobacco and its Introduction into the Canadian Fur Trade

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    25 July 2006
  • Date of issue
    Oct 1995
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