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Fleeing nazism: Alejandro Lipschütz and the cases of Alfons Nehring and Käte Pariser


This paper studies a shelter network for Jewish scientists displaced by nazism from the archive of Alexander Lipschütz, a physiologist who lived in Chile since 1926. From the context of the anti-Semitic persecution and the way in which it affected German science and their universities, we have analyzed letters sent to and from Lipschütz between 1935 and 1936, with special attention to people who contacted him to flee Germany and considered Latin America as a possibility to live. We suggest this was a network of personal agencies, charged with subjectivities and intimacy, which had to take into account local anti-Semitism and academic xenophobia.

Nazism; Alejandro Lipschütz (1883-1980; Alfons Nehring (1890-1967; Käte Pariser (1893-1953; Latin America

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