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Editorial strategies and territorialization of pedagogical field: a book by Sampaio Dória under the pen of the editor of Biblioteca de Educação

The essay analyses the inclusion of Sampaio Dória's book Educação moral e educação econômica in the collection Biblioteca de Educação organized by Lourenço Filho for Companhia Melhoramentos de São Paulo. The text analyses the territorialisation promoted by textual and editorial devices of division and presentation of the volumes of the collection. It assumes that, on account of their classification of Dória as a social pedagogue, they locate him in a situation defined as periphery of the program of renovation of Brazilian school promoted by the collection. It shows the ways the themes that Lourenço Filho judged central in the international movement for the new school were attributed to other authors in spite of their occurrence in Dória's production.

Lourenço Filho; pedagogy of new school; collections; editorial strategies

Associação Sul-Rio-Grandense de Pesquisadores em História da Educação UFRGS - Faculdade de Educação, Av. Paulo Gama, n. 110 | Sala 610, CEP: 90040-060 - Porto Alegre/RS, Tel.: (51) 33084160 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil