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History of International Relations in Brazil: a summarize field evaluation

This article proposes a reflection on the field of the History of International Relations, evaluating the specificity of its program of research and the characteristics is has acquired in Brazil. The study is composed of two main parts. The first one discusses the socio-intellectual delimitation of the field of History of International Relations and its academic institutionalization. The second part analyses the development of that area in Brazil and presents two arguments about this research field in the country during the last two decades. The first one is that the theoretical debates have modest repercussion in the area. The second one is that there is a relatively poor dialogue between historians of International Relations of Brazil and those who study the History of Brazil. The article intends to take into account the important discussions of theory and methodology as well as some particular themes of debate, as the illustrative treatment given to the question of nationality.

Historiography; History of International Relations; diplomatic History

Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, UNESP, Campus de Assis, 19 806-900 - Assis - São Paulo - Brasil, Tel: (55 18) 3302-5861, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, UNESP, Campus de Franca, 14409-160 - Franca - São Paulo - Brasil, Tel: (55 16) 3706-8700 - Assis/Franca - SP - Brazil