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Bark bryophytes of the riparian Forest along the Uruguai River, before flooding of the area by the dam of the electric power plan of Itá, between the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil

The present study presents the bryophytes observed in phorophytes kept in the xylothec of the "Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos" (UNISINOS). The samples were formerly collected inside the riparian forests along the Uruguai River, among the municipalities of Aratiba, Marcelino Ramos and Mariano Mouro (RS), and Corncórdia and Itá (SC), before the area was flooded because of the construction of the electric power plan of Itá. All bryophytes at the 187 phorophytes were analysed, totalizing 1,336 samples, resulting in the observation of 87 species, distributed in 53 genera and 31 families. The most rich families were Lejeuneaceae (13 species), Neckeraceae and Orthotrichaceae (six species).

Brazilian South Region; bryophytes; Itá electric power plan; riparian forest

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