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Necromass in 4, 6 and 8-year old Atlantic Forest restoration sites

In addition to the recognized contribution of ecological restoration to ecosystem services, the fixation of atmospheric carbon has gained attention, as a result of the carbon uptake by growing trees, which can accumulate in different compartments, including the necromass. The goal of this study was to identify factors that explain the variability in necromass amount in reforestations with native species after a period of 4, 6, and 8 years of implantation. Necromass amounts were higher with higher age of implantation, canopy cover, and abundance of woody species, being the medium and large branches the components most influenced by the factors analyzed. Necromass was also associated with increase in concentration of organic carbon in the soil, suggesting that, in older reforestations, with denser canopies, microclimatic conditions can favor not only the deposition but also decomposition of necromass.

dead plant biomass; forest restoration; litter; soil organic carbon

Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais Av. Miguel Stefano, 3687 , 04301-902 São Paulo – SP / Brasil, Tel.: 55 11 5067-6057, Fax; 55 11 5073-3678 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil