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Dentistry science, Sisyphus and the "chameleon effect"

Dentistry science is not separated from the social context with which it is connected. The authors describe dentistry science in the way it happens in the dental surgeons' educational process, examining the role of scientific knowledge and also the relations between this knowledge and the practice of its main actors in the division between public and private. In the transition period between academic education and the job market, the authors try to understand the reasons why knowledge is produced and transformed by the mimesis of the various dentistry roles given by the "chameleon effect". It is concluded that, in this transepistemic arena, controversy is normal, and the interest in its destiny is in our hands. The authors attempt to examine the matters of interest for dentistry and the society in a realistic way. If, when we are explaining these matters, we can apply them, perhaps we can overcome the "chameleon effect".

Transepistemic arena; Dentistry science; Dentistry and society

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