Open-access Disabled people in primary healthcare: professionals' discourse and practice in a healthcare teaching center

In primary healthcare, actions for disabled people's healthcare should aim to promote social interaction, construct rights and transform the position of disablement. The objective of this study was to understand the representations of professionals at a healthcare center in the municipality of São Paulo regarding disablement and the role of the primary care for this. Qualitative methodology was used, based on interviews with professionals and analysis of patient records. It was found that the professionals' assessment was that the disabled patients' lives were difficult, thus showing situations of dependence. The main focus of care was on the body, on caregivers and on housing conditions; rights and social participation had less emphasis. The family and the small social network were the reference points for organizing care. Through this study, it is sought to expand the reflections on healthcare practices, thereby contributing towards implementing practices based on comprehensive care.

Disabled people; Primary healthcare; Health service research; Professional practice; Comprehensive healthcare

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