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Dialogue with Bakhtin: some contributions to the understanding of verbal interactions in the health field

Based on the idea that both the needs and interventions in health are human conditions and actions often permeated and built by communicative acts, this article discusses central categories of Mikhail Bakhtin's philosophy of language - such as: dialogue, utterance, gender and polyphony - and proposes their use as a framework for the analysis of verbal interactions in the health field. Bakhtin conceives language social in nature, understanding that the communication in every field of society reflects their specific purposes, historical and social conditions. According to him, the subject is constituted in a discursive manner, by means of appropriating other's voices, being also entirely social and unique. With reference to that social and unique constitution of individuals, the article also presents, in a seminal way, a practical proposition for the construction of spaces and activities in the health field.

Bakhtin; Language; Communication; Verbal interactions; Health

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