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"Left alone, but that's okay": paradoxes of the experience of women hospitalized due to induced abortion in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

This study sought to understand the experiences of women hospitalized due to induced abortion, at three public hospitals in Salvador, Bahia, from the path followed and interactions established with professionals and other users. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 19 women, regarding their experiences at different times of hospitalization and their evaluations of attention received. These women's previous abortions and deliveries, or those of acquaintances, influenced their expectations regarding attention received. Their experiences were marked by negative feelings and physical and emotional pain, but also by relief regarding the ending of pregnancy and the risk of death. Additional distress was caused by perceptions of being "uncared for" and attitudes of discrimination because of having aborted, thus going against current technical rules. Paradoxically, most of the women evaluated the attention positively, although with criticisms. Efforts need to be made towards humanizing care in abortion cases, taking into account these women's experiences.

Induced abortion; Hospitalization; Humanization of assistance

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