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Mental health promotion in primary health care: the role of health groups from the perspective of patients and professionals

The aim of this study was to analyze and describe the perceptions of patients and family health team staff regarding the role of health groups as a strategy for promoting mental health in primary health care (PHC). We conducted an exploratory descriptive study in a primary care center in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. The data were analyzed using content analysis, resulting in the emergence of five categories: 1) Patient and community-centered PHC; 2) Welcoming and building bonds; 3) The effective implementation of mental health promotion in community and territorial services; 4) Mental health care: building pathways; and 5) Working in networks: an expectation. Groups emerged as potential promotors of mental health in PHC. By emphasizing the socio-affective component and longitudinality of care, groups promote patient physical and mental well-being, strengthening autonomy and independence.

Health promotion; Primary health care; Mental health

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