Open-access Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS in the school environment

This article largely reflects upon projected expectations regarding educational actions/activities carried out in schools, within the scope of STD/ AIDS prevention. To discuss this theme we revised historical aspects that marked the institution of Sexual Education as a school subject. We noticed a significant association between school and the objective of correcting human behavioral deviations, including sexual (mis)conduct. We also observed that the proposals for Health Education, formulated in the health field and targeting schools, establish principles, objectives and recommendations for the sexual education of adolescents and children that do not take school as a social environment as their theme. We concluded by pointing out that highly constructive contributions are likely to be developed at schools, mainly as a result of the ability to broach the apparently fixed categories that constitute the field of sexual experience as eminently historical constructions . We believe that, from this point of view, the possibility of rearranging social relations is strengthened. These social relations can have an impact on the conditions that enhance the vulnerability of individuals to sexually transmitted diseases.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; sexually transmitted disease; sex education; student health services

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