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The political meanings of MobilizaSUS through the eyes of Gramsci and the lens of Brazilian sanitary reform

Considering the experience of the MobilizaSUS project in Bahia in the debate regarding the limits and possibilities of the participation of the population in health services, the purpose of this presentation is to discuss the political significance of the development of this project. This discussion emerged in the light of the Brazilian Sanitary Reform, and was articulated based on Gramscian categories. We can infer that MobilizaSUS project has features that allowed it to be put side by side with the counter-hegemony in the health sector. However, there are limits to assurance of MobilizaSUS as a counter-hegemonic project, which are mainly related to its institutional origin, which was more closely related to the idea of representing the pores of the superstructure, which are permeable to counterhegemony, due to the method used to articulate subjects of antithesis.

Health policies; Social participation; Social change

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