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Autoethnography as a decolonizing education strategy in Occupational Therapy

This paper is a report of an autoethnographic experiment used as a pedagogical resource in the Occupational Therapy course of Universidade Federal de Pelotas, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This strategy was guided by Mary Louise Pratt’s post-colonial thought aiming at critically studying daily routine, as opposed to the functionalist-inspired Anglo-Saxon theoretical and methodological models in Occupational Therapy. The autoethnographic exercise was conducted by observing and recording daily activities in two contexts, prioritizing the autobiographical narrative for three weeks. The impressions gathered in the field based the active and contextualized learning of theoretical references, working as a decolonization vector as we questioned the power of the Anglo-Saxon discourses in Occupational Therapy.

Occupational Therapy; Autoethnography; Higher education; Decolonization

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