1 |
Vernon R, Ojeda G, Murad R.31
PROFAMILIA campaign, slogan: “Los hombres preparados no mueren de SIDA” (“Prepared men don’t die of AIDS”) and “Si tienes relaciones sexuales en las próximas 24 horas, piensa en el SIDA y piensa en un condón seguro. Tahití, un condón seguro” (“If you have sex in the next 24 hours, think about AIDS and think about a safe condom. Tahiti, a safe condom”). |
1988 |
Radio |
General population. |
Condom use in AIDS prevention |
2 |
Rico B, Bronfman M, Del Rio C.32
“Disfruta con responsabilidad” (“Enjoy responsibly”), “¿No cree que debería informarse?” (“Don’t you think you should get informed?”), “… y tú qué estás haciendo?” (“... and what are you doing?”), “El SIDA no es cuestión de…” (“AIDS is not a matter of...”), “La mujer y el SIDA” (“Women and AIDS”), “Quítate la venda de los ojos” (“Take off your blindfold”). |
1987 a 1994 |
TV, radio and poster spots |
General population, at-risk groups, women and adolescents. |
HIV/Aids Prevention, Openness to HIV and AIDS Communication |
3 |
Burgos M.33
“AIDS Kills”, “drugs are always sex with AIDS”, “AIDS: don’t let yourself fall in a the trap”. |
No information |
Posters, flyers and TV spots |
General population. |
HIV risk behaviors |
4 |
Roso A.34
“Hebe”, “Eu confio” (“I trust”), “Eliakim Araújo”, “Leila Cordeiro”, “Galinha”, “Carnaval” (“Carnival”) and “Pega – Não Pega” |
No information |
TV Spots |
Low-class women, between 18 and 51 years old. |
Condom use |
5 |
Vera-Gamboa L, Cen-Chablé M, Góngora-Bianchi RA.37
No information |
No information |
No information |
Gay men. |
Knowledge of HIV/Aids and risky sexual practices |
6 |
Vera-Gamboa L, Cerón-Bracamonte B, Góngora-Bianchi RA.36
No information |
No information |
No information |
Men who have sex with men. |
Knowledge, attitudes, sexual practices, perception of HIV/Aids risk |
7 |
Porto MP.40
“Campanha de Carnaval” (“Carnival Campaign”). |
2003 |
Poster, radio and TV spots |
Adolescent women between the ages of 13 and 19. |
Demand condom use from sexual partners |
8 |
Flores F, De Alba M.38
Not applicable |
No information |
No information |
University students between the ages of 17 and 25. |
Social Representation of AIDS |
9 |
Gobierno de Chile, Ministerio de Salud (Government of Chile, Ministry of Health) (undated)35
“Lo único mortal del VIH es no saber que lo tienes. Hazte el examen a tiempo” (“The only deadly thing about HIV is not knowing you have it. Take the test on time”). |
2003 |
Billboards, radio, TV spots |
General, older than 15 years sexually active. |
Get tested for HIV. Effective self-care when exposed to HIV risk |
“Frente al SIDA, yo tengo una postura” (“In the face of AIDS, I have a stance”). |
2005 |
Billboards, radio, TV spots |
General, older than 15 years sexually active. |
Stimulate in the population the conversation about one’s own sexual experience |
“Mi vida la cuido toda la vida, siempre condón” (“My life I take care of all my life, always condom”). |
2006 |
Billboards, TV spots |
Women and men between the ages of 15 and 30. |
Consistent use of condoms, as a preventive measure, at all times when there is a risk of sexual transmission of HIV |
“Yo decido, me cuido siempre” (“I decide, I always take care of myself”). |
2007 |
Radio and TV spots |
Adolescents and young people between the ages of 15 and 30. |
Increase consistent condom use as a preventive measure |
10 |
Ahumada M, Ruiz M, Parra V.41
“Hazte el examen” (“Get tested”) |
2011 |
TV spots, radio, written press and through a website. |
At-risk populations (e.g., men who have sex with men, transgender people and sex workers). |
Conducting an HIV test |
11 |
Reynaga C.42
“Cabeza Caliente” “Hot Head.” |
2008 |
TV spots and posters |
Students in 5th year of secondary school, from 15 to 19 years old. |
Condom use |
12 |
Nielsen R, Luengo M, Mello M, Paz J, Pantin C, Erkkola T.39
“Zero Discrimination campaign” |
2014 |
Social Networks |
General population |
Non-discrimination towards people living with HIV or AIDS |