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Purchases from family farming via Brazilian School Feeding Program: evaluation of the economic effects for municipalities of Minas Gerais


The article aims to evaluate the economic effects of purchases form family farming, under the Brazilian School Feeding Program (PNAE), for the municipalities of Minas Gerais. Of quantitative nature, the chosen method is the multiple linear regression. Four models were estimated, in which the variables are total Gross Domestic Product-GDP (PIB), agriculture and cattle ranching GDP (PIB agropecuário), industry GDP (PIB indústria), and services GDP (PIB serviços). As dependent variables were chosen: the volume of PNAE transfers (in Reais) for family agriculture as the independent variable of interest; the values (in Reais) of rural credit through the Brazilian Program Strengthening Program for Family Farming (PRONAF), the production of family farming agro-industry and the number of family farming establishments linked to cooperatives or associations as the independent control variables. The main results indicate that the independent variable PNAE was statistically significant at 1% for total GDP, industry GDP and services GDP, and statistically significant at 10% for the agriculture and cattle ranching GDP, showing greater effect on total GDP. This means that purchases from family farming , through the PNAE, have positive economic effects on these sectors and, especially, on the total GDP. It is recommended for future researches comparative studies, the application of other quantitative techniques and studies with qualitative approaches. We also recommend research that includes other theoretical lenses for the perception of the effects of public policy.

Brazilian School Feeding Program; family farming; economic effects; Pearson Correlation Coefficient; multiple linear regression

Universidade Católica Dom Bosco Av. Tamandaré, 6000 - Jd. Seminário, 79117-900 Campo Grande- MS - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 67) 3312-3373/3377 - Campo Grande - MS - Brazil