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Mark Granovetter's theory of networks and the debate on the migratory phenomenon


This article makes a theoretical essay on migratory movements based on Mark Granovetter's Theory of Social Networks. Among the author's studies, the theory of embeddedness and the strength of weak ties are the theoretical contribution chosen for the discussion. The objective is to seek to understand how social networks can influence decision-making and the migration process of individuals. Going further, it is intended to show that this theory can also be used to understand the migratory phenomenon in a broad sense, internal migration, given that the literature focuses primarily on the international scale. Guided by the qualitative methodology, with a descriptive method associated with a bibliographic research, it is possible to verify the relevance of Granovetter's studies on networks for migratory studies, opposing neoclassical and structuralist theories in the sense that subjects are not atomized, that is the decision-making takes into account the approval of the closest circle. In addition, they have a network of contacts with other emigrants, and it is primarily through them that the information that the individual needs for the movement is disseminated, making it self-perpetuating.

Mark Granovetter; migrations; social network theory; the strength of weak ties theory

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