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Water Route: challenges of water resources management in a cross-border scenario of the Latin American Integration Route


Water resources play a vital role in environmental, economic and social sustainability around the world. In Latin America, this becomes more evident, given the diversity of biomes that are home to an abundance of rivers, lakes and aquifers shared by multiple countries. In this context, the "Latin American Integration Route" emerges as a geographical area of extreme relevance, where Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Chile share borders and a natural interconnection of water resources. The "Water Route" that crosses these four countries has become a focal point of discussions on the sustainable management of water resources from a transboundary perspective. The increased demand for water, environmental challenges, climate change and socioeconomic issues exacerbate the importance of this region for water security and territorial development. Based on a qualitative, bibliographical and documentary research, this article seeks to analyze the challenges faced in the management of water resources along the "Rota das Águas" in the perspective of cross-border cooperation and governance. The analysis of the data collected used the comparative method on water governance between the countries on the route, addressing issues such as legal regulation, public policies, the participation of multiple actors involved and joint management initiatives aimed at preserving and improve the sustainable use of these resources. By exploring the complexities of this shared region, the work contributes to a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities related to the management of water resources in a transboundary context in Latin America, serving as an inventory for multilevel, multiscalar and transnational governance.

Corredor Bioceânico; Gestão de Recursos Hídricos; governança transnacional

Universidade Católica Dom Bosco Av. Tamandaré, 6000 - Jd. Seminário, 79117-900 Campo Grande- MS - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 67) 3312-3373/3377 - Campo Grande - MS - Brazil