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Geographical intelligence in the implementaton of public policies: towards a monitoring platorm of urban green areas in the State of São Paulo


This article presents the state of the art of a monitoring platorm for urban green areas – UrbVerde – in the municipalites of the São Paulo State. Its constructon is based on Cloud Computing and orbital remote sensing. The objective is to provide metrics for monitoring socio-environmental inequalites from a local and intraurban scale, including vegetaton indexes, surface temperature, and open space systems (parks and squares), relating them to population aspects grouped by censitary sectors. It, thus, constitutes a trackable information base with potential for the implementaton of public policies, such as the Municípios VerdeAzul program. Through interactive data analysis and correlaton tools, the inter-relatonal aspect of the involved geographic variables is highlighted, representing a gain of governance intelligence. In additon, the approach in use provides new insights into the distribution and accessibility of municipalites’ green infrastructure, promoting awareness among managers and greater inclusion of the population in decision-making processes. In this way, it is expected, with the support of disruptive technology, to jointily stimulate the processes of decision support for green recovery in the Decade of Ecosystem Restoraton (2021-2030), enabling the process of transforming the municipalites into smart and sustainable cites.

Cloud Computing; Google Earth Engine; urban green areas; environmental monitoring; socio-environmental inequality

Universidade Católica Dom Bosco Av. Tamandaré, 6000 - Jd. Seminário, 79117-900 Campo Grande- MS - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 67) 3312-3373/3377 - Campo Grande - MS - Brazil