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The sound of hate: exploring the use of hatecore song lyrics as a recruiting strategy by the White Power Movement

This study uses grounded theory to examine “hatecore” song lyrics used as a communication strategy to spread skinhead ideology. Results indicate that lyrics portray ethnic and religious minorities, and homosexuals as inferior and subhuman. Jews, the government and whites who oppose skinhead ideology are described as part of the problem. They are also used to recruit disenfranchised whites to the movement by defining them as disempowered and losing influence as “others” gain it as well as through positive messages of white racial pride. As with other social movements, results indicate that power plays a central role in defining the problem facing disenfranchised whites, the cause, and prescribing solutions found in hatecore song lyrics.

Strategic Communications; Social Movement; Hatecore Music; Racist Skinheads; Power

Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação (INTERCOM) AV. BRIG. LUÍS ANTÔNIO, 2.050 - CONJ. 36- BELA VISTA, Zip code: 01318-912 , Phone and WhatsApp: (+55 11) 9.4178-8528 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil