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Communication as alterity’s ethics: explorations with Lévinas1 1 This study is part of a research funded by CNPq, Capes and Fapemig. A first version of this study was presented to the Communication Epistemology Working Group of the XXVII Annual Meeting of Compós, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte – MG, June 05-08, 2018.


Ethics is a common subject in Communication Studies. However, the approaches frequently focus on professional and practical issues and draw arguments from normative or deontological theories. This paper, grounded on Lévinas’ ethics of alterity, proposes that the concept of communication implies ethical concerns, insofar as its necessary addressing to others, having as its presupposition the openness and the possibility of accepting and hosting otherness. The argument develops threefold, as there are at least three main requisites to communication ethics: (a) openness and hospitality to the other; (b) the infinite responsibility towards otherness; (c) proximity and interpellation of the other’s face as the starting point of communication. The idea is not to propose another “Ethics for Communication”, but to understand Communication as an ethical action.

Ethics; Communication; Alterity

Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação (INTERCOM) AV. BRIG. LUÍS ANTÔNIO, 2.050 - CONJ. 36- BELA VISTA, Zip code: 01318-912 , Phone and WhatsApp: (+55 11) 9.4178-8528 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil