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LGBTQIA+ representations in advertising studies: a look at the Brazilian scientific production of Intercom, Compós and Pró-Pesq PP from 2000 to 20201 1 This article is a revised, updated and expanded version of the works presented at the 43rd Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences (Intercom) and at the International Congress Media Ecology and Image Studies, in the end of 2020. The discussions within these preliminary texts do not include in their analysis the articles published in the annals of the Intercom Congress, which took place between December 1 and 10, 2020. These works also do not present analytical reflections distinctly directed by event.


The purpose of this article is to report and discuss the results of an analysis carried out on the development of scientific production of communicational studies in Brazil, from 2000 to 2020, which addresses LGBTQIA + representations in advertising. As sources, we considered works published in the annals of three important national events in the field of Communication Sciences, such as: Intercom/Thematic Division (DT) 2 - Advertising and Propaganda; the Pró-Pesq PP; and Compós. From the 4,902 articles that make up the aforementioned annals, 38 (0.78%) relevant texts were identified, selected and analyzed. The results shared in this work outline an informative framework that highlights not only theoretical aspects and methodological approaches but also some paths and challenges to be embraced in future studies.

Advertising; Representations; LGBTQIA+; Scientific research

Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação (INTERCOM) AV. BRIG. LUÍS ANTÔNIO, 2.050 - CONJ. 36- BELA VISTA, Zip code: 01318-912 , Phone and WhatsApp: (+55 11) 9.4178-8528 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil