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Between the accelerator and the brake: the car driver in the discourse of Advertising* * The author thanks Pedro A. de Araújo Lima, Fernando B. Meneguin and Russell Jerves for their constructive comments on earlier versions of this paper. Remaining errors are responsibility of the author.


This paper aims to identify the recurrent elements in the discourse of Advertising in the composition of the imagery on road traffic, highlighting the car driver as the preferential addressee, in both commercial and social campaigns. With the theoretical and methodological support of the French Discourse Analysis, it compares several advertisements aired from 1990. The meaning-effects are evidenced to the extent that it turn into questionable the choice of the approach and the very Advertising as instrument for change in behavior, in a country where the car, more than an object of desire of individuals, is an object of desire of the State. At the end, some perspectives on road traffic safety are presented.

Advertising; Social Issue Adverstising; Road Traffic; Discourse Analysis; Imaginary

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