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Explanatory potential of the reception studies in the context of Big Data1 1 Some of the ideas developed in this article were presented at the Compós National Meeting 2019.


We aim to discuss communication relations, circulation and production of meanings in the scenario of manipulation, control and power of information. We try to answer the following question: how do the reception studies respond to Big Data’s challenges in extracting, mining, and analysing data to manipulate digital media users’ behaviors? The method is the bibliographical research for the critical and comparative analysis of the author’s perspectives. The concept of the system is used to challenge its productivity in reception studies. As a result of the discussion, the Barberian maps are taken up in perspective, to put history and social conflicts at the center of disputes over hegemony of meanings, which must be problematized by reception studies in the current social context.

Reception Studies; Big Data; System; Barberian maps; Hegemony

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