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An action research process in the Ecuadorian Andean highlands. Radio Runacunapac and Radio Salinerito: when scarcity prevents the community1 1 English version by Mabel Sampedro.


This paper shows the results obtained after an action research process carried out over four years through two case studies in the Ecuadorian Andean highlands, Radio Runacunapac and Radio Salinerito. This tour was based on an initial exploration, planning and implementation of a training action and the evaluation of how these stations have changed throughout this period. We could then to verify the Organic Law of Communication (LOC) in 2013 initiated many possibilities recognizing radios as community media but these possibilities remained mainly on paper. Radio Runacunapac and Radio Salinerito got, indeed, recognition as community broadcasters but without programming changes. Two conclusions are derived: on the one hand, relationships between broadcaster and community are maintained over time but fail to foster the dialogue of the “common”. On the other hand, roles and communication schemes typical of local private radios with musical and entertainment content are reproduced.

community radios; participatory communication; social change; community media; radio programming

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