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Parental care behaviour in Leptodactylus natalensis (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae)

The present paper reports one more species of the family Leptodactylidae presenting parental care behaviour, Leptodactylus natalensis Lutz, 1930, in which females were observed attending eggs and schools of tadpoles in two temporary ponds in the Atlantic forest of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil.

Parental care; behaviour; Leptodactylus natalensis; Atlantic forest; Brazil

Museu de Ciências Naturais Museu de Ciências Naturais, Secretária do Meio Ambiente e Infraestrutura, Rua Dr. Salvador França, 1427, Jardim Botânico, 90690-000 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil, Tel.: + 55 51- 3320-2039 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil