Logomarca do periódico: Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management

Open-access Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management

Publicação de: Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial
Área: Engenharias Versão on-line ISSN: 2175-9146


Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management, Volume: 6, Número: 2, Publicado: 2014

Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management, Volume: 6, Número: 2, Publicado: 2014

Document list
Standards and Technical Excellence Gill, Paul S.
The Update of an Aerodynamic Wind-Tunnel for Aeroacoustics Testing Santana, Leandro Dantas Carmo, Micael Catalano, Fernando Martini Medeiros, Marcello A. F.

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: This paper describes the update and characterization of a previously pure aerodynamics wind-tunnel into a facility able to simultaneously execute aerodynamics and aeroacoustics testing. It is demonstrated that the application of high-performance acoustic materials on strategic positions of the wind-tunnel circuit and punctual actions can substantially reduce the background-noise level. This paper shows efficient measures which resulted to broadband-noise reduction of up to 5 dB and practically complete removal of spectral tones. In addition, it is demonstrated that the applied acoustic treatment reduced the turbulence level, measured at the test-section at maximum operational velocity, from the previous 0.25% level to 0.21%. As a minor penalty, the acoustic treatment reduced the flow velocity in 2% for the same electric-power input. Finally, the work described in this paper resulted on a wind-tunnel with good flow quality and capacity for aeroacoustics testing.
Simulation of Rocket Exhaust Clouds at the Centro de Lançamento de Alcântara Using the WRF-CMAQ Modeling System Nascimento, Erick Giovani Sperandio Moreira, Davidson Martins Fisch, Gilberto Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: In this work we report numerical simulations of the contaminant dispersion and photochemical reactions of rocket exhaust clouds at the Centro de Lançamento de Alcântara (CLA) using the CMAQ modeling system. The simulations of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen chloride (HCl) and alumina (solid Al2O3) pollutants emission represent an effort in the construction of a computational tool in order to simulate normal and/or accidental events during rocket launches, making possible to predict the contaminant concentrations in accordance with emergency plans and pre and post-launchings for environmental management. The carbon monoxide and the alumina concentrations showed the formation of the ground and contrail cloud. The results also showed that hydrogen chloride concentrations would be harmful to human health, demonstrating the importance of assessing the impact of rocket launches in the environment and human health.
A New Coupled Free Wake-CFD Method for Calculation of Helicopter Rotor Flow-Field in Hover Farrokhfal, Hamid Pishevar, Ahmad Reza

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: This paper concerns a new coupled free wake-CFD method for proper calculation of aerodynamic loads on a two bladed helicopter rotor in hovering flight. Loading is computed by solving the three dimensional Euler equations in a rotating coordinate system. However, since direct simulation of the tip vortices and wake requires a very fine grid, the rotor's wake effects are modeled by a free wake approach and included into the CFD calculation by a transpiration boundary condition at the rotor surface. An influence coefficient solution method is used to find the rotor's wake shape, being steady in a rotating frame. Euler equations are also considered in the form of absolute flow variables and solved by a multi grid Jameson's finite-volume method. The accuracy of the proposed method is illustrated by comparing numerical results to the available experimental results for the pressure distribution on a blade of a model helicopter rotor at different tip Mach numbers.
Estimation of Pico-Satellite Attitude Dynamics and External Torques via Unscented Kalman Filter Söken, Halil Ersin Hajiyev, Chingiz

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: In this study, an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) algorithm is designed for estimating the attitude of a pico-satellite and the in-orbit external disturbance torques. The estimation vector is formed by the satellite's attitude, angular rates, and the unknown constant components of the external disturbance torques acting on the satellite. The gravity gradient torque, residual magnetic moment, sun radiation pressure and aerodynamic drag are all included in the estimated external disturbance torque vector. The satellite has magnetometers and gyros onboard as the attitude sensors. Because of the inherent nonlinear dynamics and the nonlinear measurement model, the UKF, which is a nonlinear version of the Kalman Filter, is selected as the filter algorithm. Performance of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated via simulations for a cube pico-satellite and the results are analyzed for different scenarios.
Trajectory Control During an Aeroassisted Maneuver Between Coplanar Circular Orbits Santos, Willer Gomes dos Rocco, Evandro Marconi Carrara, Valdemir

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the simulation results of an aeroassisted maneuver around the Earth, between coplanar circular orbits, from a geostationary orbit to a low orbit. The simulator developed considers a reference trajectory and a trajectory perturbed by external disturbances combined with non-idealities of sensors and actuators. It is able to operate in closed loop, controlling the trajectory (drag-free control) at each instant of time using a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller and propulsive jets. We adopted a spacecraft with a cubic body composed of two rectangular plates arranged perpendicular to the velocity vector of the vehicle. Propulsive jets are applied at the apogee of the transfer orbit in order to keep the perigee altitude and control the rate of heat transfer suffered by the vehicle during atmospheric passage. A PID controller is used to correct the deviation in the state vector and in the keplerian elements. The U.S. Standard Atmosphere is adopted as the atmospheric model. The results have shown that the aeroassisted transfer presents a smaller fuel consumption when compared to a Hohmann transfer or a bi-elliptic transfer.
Thermal Control Design Conception of the Amazonia-1 Satellite Silva, Douglas Felipe da Muraoka, Issamu Garcia, Ezio Castejon

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: Amazonia-1 is a Brazilian remote sensing satellite providing mainly images, in order to observe and monitor deforestation, especially in the Amazon region. This paper describes the thermal control design, which uses passive and active concepts. The active thermal control is based on heaters regulated by software via thermistors. The passive thermal control consists of multi-layer insulation blankets and radiators, paints, surface finishes to maintain temperature level of the overall carrier components within an acceptable value. The thermal control design is supported by thermal analysis using thermal mathematical model. The temperatures and heater power are predicted for critical cases.
Analysis of Radar Cross Section Reduction of Fighter Aircraft by Means of Computer Simulation Andrade, Luiz Alberto de Santos, Luan Silva Carvalho dos Gama, Adriana Medeiros

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a preliminary study of the Radar Cross Section (RCS) reduction on the fighter aircraft. First, it was studied the RCS of the aircraft from computational simulations based on prior knowledge of vulnerable areas of this aircraft to radar threats. Subsequently, the possible applications of Radar Absorbing Materials (RAM) on the surface of the aircraft were evaluated, in order to reduce its RCS. The absorber material used in the simulations was denominated FC70, which has good attenuation in the range of 10 to 12 GHz. The study of this reduction was accomplished by applying RAM in four different scenarios at the frequency of 11.1 GHz, where the material is more sensitive. The RCS simulations of the fighter aircraft and its RCS reduction by RAM application were carried out with the support of the software "Computer Simulation Technology" (CST), version 2012. Such technology makes it possible to simulate the application with an absorber material layer on the surface of the aircraft. For the study of the RCS reduction on the fighter aircraft, it was first necessary to develop a detailed 3D model of the fighter aircraft, and it was developed with the software "Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application" (CATIA). In conclusion, it is impossible to make much progress attempting to retrofit stealth onto a conventional aircraft because if the shape is wrong, no amount of absorbing material treatments will reduce the RCS.
Material Coding for Aircraft Manufacturing Industry Cai, Hong Xia Dai, Ming Yu Yu, Tao

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: Material coding is the basis for enterprises to perform information management. There are various kinds of materials in the aircraft manufacturing industry. In order to improve the efficiency of aircraft material management, this paper studies the aircraft material coding. The aircraft materials are divided into six categories based on some characteristics. The flexible material coding model is proposed consisting of code fields which indicate the material and code field relations in order to define the constraint relations among code fields. There are three kinds of code fields: class code, property code and flow code, while there are three kinds of relations, including the parallel relation, the subordinate relation and the dependency one. For convenient recognition and operation, the alpha-numeric combination code method is used. The material coding system in which the material code could be automatically generated was finally developed. The system has been applied in the aircraft manufacturing enterprise and it has achieved good results.
Reliability Analysis for Aviation Airline Network Based on Complex Network Bing, Dong

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: In order to improve the reliability of aviation airline network, this paper presents an empirical analysis on the airline network structure of an aviation company in China from the perspective of complex network, and the calculation result of the statistical features and degree distribution of the network, proves that the network is a small-world network and a scale-free network. Four indicators, i.e. degree, closeness, vertex betweenness and flow betweenness, are utilized for aviation network centralization so as to distinguish the most appropriate method. The influence of nodes in local network is to be measured through the indicators. The results show that vertex betweenness can achieve the best aviation network centralization effect. Specifically, the centrality degree reaches 95.87%. On this basis, the network reliability is analyzed to discover that when two nodes with maximum degree or maximum betweenness are removed, the network performance is reduced by a half. Eventually, countermeasures are proposed for further improvement according to the results. In other words, complex network method is feasible used to analyze the topological structure and statistical features of aviation network. Based on this, a study is conduced to the network reliability and suggestions are proposed for optimizing the aviation network.
Fire Resistant Aircraft Unit Load Devices and Fire Containment Covers: A New Development in the Global Air Cargo Industry Baxter, Glenn Kourousis, Kyriakos Wild, Graham

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: Unit load devices (ULDs) are pallets and containers which are used to carry air cargo, mail and passenger baggage on wide-body aircraft. This paper analyses two important recent developments in the suppression of fires on freighter aircraft - fire resistant containers and fire containment covers for palletised cargo. In July 2013, United Parcel Service (UPS) placed an industry-first order for 1,821 fire-resistant shipping containers; this represented a major milestone in aviation history, offering unprecedented protection from intense fires on the airline's freighter aircraft. The new fire-resistant containers have been designed to withstand intense fires of four hours duration or longer, in order to provide pilots with sufficient time to land their aircraft during such an emergency. Fire containment covers have also been developed to enhance safety on freighter aircraft by isolating individual palletised cargo under special fire retardant covers that are capable of withstanding the intense heat and explosions associated with the ignition of dangerous goods.
Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço. Praça Marechal do Ar Eduardo Gomes, 50. Vila das Acácias, CEP: 12 228-901, tel (55) 12 99162 5609 - São José dos Campos - SP - Brazil
E-mail: submission.jatm@gmail.com
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