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Evaluation of an Industrial Absorption Process for Carbon Capture Using K2CO3 Promoted by Boric Acid

Hot potassium carbonate (HPC) process aims to remove the CO2 present on synthesis gas. This removal is done in an absorption process, where takes place the reaction of CO2 with a K2CO3 solution. This reaction is slow and H3BO3 can be used to increase the rate of reaction. The rate-based model is the most suitable way to model the process. This approach uses different correlations to calculate important mass transfer and hydraulic parameters, such as: mass transfer coefficient, interfacial area, and liquid holdup. This paper aims to evaluate the performance of many correlations to represent the HPC process. An automatic procedure was developed to test a high number of equations, using MATLAB and Aspen Plus software. The best set of correlations was found after a comparison with industrial data. Correlations with errors less than 10% for the entire evaluated operating conditions were calculated for mass transfer coefficient and the interfacial area, as well as for liquid holdup.

carbon capture; rate-based model; potassium carbonate; liquid holdup; mass transfer; interfacial area; synthesis gas

Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química - UNICAMP, Caixa Postal 6154, 13083-970 Campinas SP - Brazil, Tel./FAX.: +55 19 3521-3151 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil