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Brazilian Chemistry shows its face!


Brazilian Chemistry shows its face!

2005 was a very successful year for Brazilian Chemistry. Thus, from the academic as well as the industrial point of view, it is certainly worthwhile to highlight a few points.

For industry, according to the Brazilian Association of Industrial Chemistry - Associação Brasileira da Indústria Química (ABIQUIM) - a chiffre d'affaires (total sales) of approximately 70 billion dollars may be expected for 2005. This result, when compared to 2004, indicates a highly significant growth rate of 15.8% - this, in dollars! The exportation of Brazilian chemical products for the year in question, should reach $7.5 billion US, when the accounts are in, with estimated imports close to $15.5 US. Notwithstanding such significant results, the numbers show that there is still much room for growth.

The data also indicate how robust the Brazilian chemical sector is, in view of the important investments predict for 2006 for the sectors of commodities and fine chemistry (specialty chemicals). Recently, a large Brazilian company of this sector announced investments of over 900 million Reais for the current year, aiming to compete with great world players in supplying special high performance polyethylenes.

In Technology and Innovation, Chemistry has also been indisputably outstanding with the world launching of BYPHOR pigment, by the Bunge Limited, a pigment totally developed in Brazil at the Unicamp Chemistry Institute (Instituto de Química da Universidade Estadual de Campinas).

Also noteworthy, and with great success, is the appearance on the market of the first Brazilian phytotherapeutic anti-inflammatory, ACHEFLAN, whose development was fruit of a partnership involving several universities and research centers, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - with the laboratory Aché among others.

These two examples, along with many others, demonstrate that the constructive dialog between the academic and the private sector have begun to collect palpable results, indicating a new era in this relationship, especially when the question of technological innovation is posed as a determining step for the development of new products, processes and solutions.

Brazilian periodicals dealing with Chemistry were also very successful in 2005. Among these periodicals, deserving of special mention is the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (JBCS), which reaffirmed its position as the Brazilian periodical - considering all areas of knowledge - of greatest impact factor (IF) on the Web of Science (ISI) base.

Besides this distinction, there are two others which have enriched the JBCS gallery. The first, being considered by the SciELO basis, as "Brazilian periodical of international reach" and the second, for receiving a record number of articles submitted by researchers from different countries in 2005.

Also noteworthy is the quality of the scientific studies by Brazilian chemists who have received the distinction "Hot Papers", or "Highly Accessed Articles" in scientific periodicals of great international prestige.

The expectations of all for 2006 are great. The Science, Technology and Innovation investments have been becoming ever more and more regular - which is an excellent sign - thanks to the actions of various funding agencies, which make it possible for projects to acquire a more articulate character, thus favoring studies as cooperative research networks and thereby maximizing resources, laboratory/instrumental facilities and competencies.

With no doubt, this is a great moment to do Chemistry in this country.

Oswaldo Luiz Alves

(Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil)

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    19 Apr 2006
  • Date of issue
    Apr 2006
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química - UNICAMP, Caixa Postal 6154, 13083-970 Campinas SP - Brazil, Tel./FAX.: +55 19 3521-3151 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil