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Revisiting the Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid Nanomaterial Constituted by Folate Intercalated into M2+/Al3+ (M2+ = Mg2+ and Zn2+) Layered Double Hydroxide


Intercalation of deprotonated folic acid (FA; vitamin B9) is of great interest for nutraceutical and cosmeceutical purposes. Although some studies have already reported the intercalation of divalent (HFol2−) or trivalent (Fol3−) folate anions into layered double hydroxides (LDH), the structure, spectroscopic, and thermal behavior of such hybrid materials still need to be better understood. This work revisited the synthesis of LDH constituted by M2+/Al3+ (M2+ = Mg or Zn) intercalated with HFol2− or Fol3−. Insights concerning how the physicochemical properties of the materials are tuneable according to the synthetic approach (slow or fast coprecipitation) and pH value (7.5 or 9.0/9.5) of synthesis were pointed out. Materials synthesized at pH above 9.0 (Fol3−) presented larger particles and lower loading capacity than the ones synthesized at pH 7.5 (HFol2−). The fast coprecipitation approach led to the formation of materials with smaller particles. This work could address the following research concerning LDH-FA applications.

layered double hydroxide (LDH); folic acid; vitamin B9; hybrid materials; intercalation compounds


A diversified number of organic-inorganic hybrid materials constituted by layered double hydroxides (LDH) intercalated with bioactive anionic organic species have been synthesized since the early 2000s, focusing on developing drug delivery and theragnostic systems.11 Constantino, V. R. L.; Figueiredo, M. P.; Magri, V. R.; Eulálio, D.; Cunha, V. R. R.; Alcântara, A. C. S.; Perotti, G. F.; Pharmaceutics 2023, 15, 413. [Crossref]
, 22 Saha, S.; Ray, S.; Acharya, R.; Chatterjee, T. K.; Chakraborty, J.; Appl. Clay Sci. 2017, 135, 493. [Crossref]
, 33 Cao, Z.; Li, B.; Sun, L.; Li, L.; Xu, Z. P.; Gu, Z.; Small Methods 2020, 4, 1900343. [Crossref]
, 44 Cunha, V. R. R.; Ferreira, A. M. C.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Tronto, J.; Valim, J. B.; Quim. Nova 2010, 33, 159. [Crossref]
, 55 Constantino, V. R. L.; Cunha, V. R. R.; Rocha, M. A.; Figueiredo, M. P.; Magri, V. R.; Eulálio, D.; Perotti, G. F.; Bizeto, M. A.; Zambuzzi, W. F.; Koh, I. H. J. In Progress in Layered Double Hydroxides: From Synthesis to New Applications, vol. 8; Nocchetti, M.; Costantino, U., eds.; World Scientific: Singapore, 2022, p. 413-482. LDH structure (Figure 1a) is constituted of hydroxide ions coordinated to metal cations in the center of octahedrons (M(OH)6). The octahedrons are interconnected by edges, forming a layered structure similar to the brucite mineral (Mg(OH)2).66 Cavani, F.; Trifirò, F.; Vaccari, A.; Catal. Today 1991, 11, 173. [Crossref]
Isomorphic substitution of bivalent by trivalent metal cations in the brucite-like layers confers an equivalent positive residual charge ([M3+] = [q+]) to the structure. Electroneutrality is reached by intercalating hydrated-exchangeable anions into the LDH interlayer region. Typically, LDH are represented by the general formula [M2+(1-x)M3+x(OH)2]x+[(An−)x/n·mH2O], where M2+ is a divalent metal cation (Mg2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Fe2+, etc.) and M3+ is a trivalent one (Al3+, Ga3+, Co3+, Fe3+, etc.). An− represents the anion, which can be inorganic (CO32−, Cl, NO3, etc.), organic, polymeric or a coordination compound. The LDH composition is abbreviated M2+RAl3+-A (where R = [M2+]/[M3+] molar ratio). The x value of the general formula represents the [M3+]/([M2+] + [M3+]) molar fraction, which generally varies between 0.2 ≤ x ≤ 0.33 (or R-value between 4 and 2).11 Constantino, V. R. L.; Figueiredo, M. P.; Magri, V. R.; Eulálio, D.; Cunha, V. R. R.; Alcântara, A. C. S.; Perotti, G. F.; Pharmaceutics 2023, 15, 413. [Crossref]
, 22 Saha, S.; Ray, S.; Acharya, R.; Chatterjee, T. K.; Chakraborty, J.; Appl. Clay Sci. 2017, 135, 493. [Crossref]
, 33 Cao, Z.; Li, B.; Sun, L.; Li, L.; Xu, Z. P.; Gu, Z.; Small Methods 2020, 4, 1900343. [Crossref]
, 66 Cavani, F.; Trifirò, F.; Vaccari, A.; Catal. Today 1991, 11, 173. [Crossref]
, 77 Rives, V.; Layered Double Hydroxides: Present and Future; Rives, V.; Nova Science Publishers, Inc.: New York, 2001.

Figure 1
Schematic representation of the LDH structure with rhombohedral symmetry (3R1 three-layer polytype) in R-3m space group (a) and molecular structure of folic acid (b).

The LDH structure can improve the chemical stability of the loaded anionic species and promote its sustained release, which can avoid low drug bioavailability and side effects.11 Constantino, V. R. L.; Figueiredo, M. P.; Magri, V. R.; Eulálio, D.; Cunha, V. R. R.; Alcântara, A. C. S.; Perotti, G. F.; Pharmaceutics 2023, 15, 413. [Crossref]
, 22 Saha, S.; Ray, S.; Acharya, R.; Chatterjee, T. K.; Chakraborty, J.; Appl. Clay Sci. 2017, 135, 493. [Crossref]
, 33 Cao, Z.; Li, B.; Sun, L.; Li, L.; Xu, Z. P.; Gu, Z.; Small Methods 2020, 4, 1900343. [Crossref]
Compared to other drug delivery systems, LDH presents advantages, such as (i) versatility in terms of composition and physicochemical properties, (ii) synthesis by soft-chemical methods, (iii) low cost; (iv) disruption in acid media (pH-responsive material); (v) anionic exchange capacity; and (vi) in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility for some chemical compositions.11 Constantino, V. R. L.; Figueiredo, M. P.; Magri, V. R.; Eulálio, D.; Cunha, V. R. R.; Alcântara, A. C. S.; Perotti, G. F.; Pharmaceutics 2023, 15, 413. [Crossref]
, 22 Saha, S.; Ray, S.; Acharya, R.; Chatterjee, T. K.; Chakraborty, J.; Appl. Clay Sci. 2017, 135, 493. [Crossref]
, 33 Cao, Z.; Li, B.; Sun, L.; Li, L.; Xu, Z. P.; Gu, Z.; Small Methods 2020, 4, 1900343. [Crossref]
, 66 Cavani, F.; Trifirò, F.; Vaccari, A.; Catal. Today 1991, 11, 173. [Crossref]
, 77 Rives, V.; Layered Double Hydroxides: Present and Future; Rives, V.; Nova Science Publishers, Inc.: New York, 2001.

Due to its outstanding bioactivity, folic acid (FA) has attracted significant interest in being administrated through drug delivery systems.88 Ducker, G. S.; Rabinowitz, J. D.; Cell Metab. 2017, 25, 27. [Crossref]
, 99 Jones, P.; Lucock, M.; Scarlett, C. J.; Veysey, M.; Beckett, E. L.; J. Nutr. Intermed. Metab. 2019, 18, 100104. [Crossref]
, 1010 Saini, R. K.; Nile, S. H.; Keum, Y.; Food Res. Int. 2016, 89, 1. [Crossref]
FA is the synthetic analogue of micronutrient groups called folates, known as vitamin B9. Its molecular structure (Figure 1b) is constituted by three chemical moieties: pterin (PT), p-aminobenzoic acid (p-ABA) and L-glutamic acid (Glu). The FA presents antioxidant, cellular redox-balance and cell-proliferative (deoxiribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis and repair) properties.88 Ducker, G. S.; Rabinowitz, J. D.; Cell Metab. 2017, 25, 27. [Crossref]
, 99 Jones, P.; Lucock, M.; Scarlett, C. J.; Veysey, M.; Beckett, E. L.; J. Nutr. Intermed. Metab. 2019, 18, 100104. [Crossref]
, 1010 Saini, R. K.; Nile, S. H.; Keum, Y.; Food Res. Int. 2016, 89, 1. [Crossref]
It is used as a food fortifier or supplement to avoid anaemia, birth neural tube defects, to control homocysteine levels (related to endothelial dysfunction), and dementia, for instance.88 Ducker, G. S.; Rabinowitz, J. D.; Cell Metab. 2017, 25, 27. [Crossref]
, 99 Jones, P.; Lucock, M.; Scarlett, C. J.; Veysey, M.; Beckett, E. L.; J. Nutr. Intermed. Metab. 2019, 18, 100104. [Crossref]
, 1010 Saini, R. K.; Nile, S. H.; Keum, Y.; Food Res. Int. 2016, 89, 1. [Crossref]
, 1111 Kancherla, V.; Wagh, K.; Johnson, Q.; Oakley, G. P.; Birth Defects Res. 2018, 110, 1139. [Crossref]
Furthermore, FA-targeted drugs and nanoparticles can be applied in oncology1212 Scaranti, M.; Cojocaru, E.; Banerjee, S.; Banerji, U.; Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. 2020, 17, 349. [Crossref]
or rheumatoid arthritis1313 Nogueira, E.; Gomes, A. C.; Preto, A.; Cavaco-Paulo, A.; Nanomed. Nanotechnol., Biol. Med. 2016, 12, 1113. [Crossref]
treatment because of the targeting activity of folates on cancerous and macrophage cells, respectively. For instance, LDH surface-modified with folate systems are internalized through active targeting by cancerous cells or preferentially accumulate in tumour in a higher extension than pristine material (passive targeting).1414 Oh, J. M.; Choi, S. J.; Lee, G. E.; Kim, J. E.; Choy, J. H.; Chem. - Asian J. 2009, 4, 67. [Crossref]
, 1515 Park, D.-H.; Cho, J.; Kwon, O.-J.; Yun, C.-O.; Choy, J.-H.; Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 4582. [Crossref]

Hybrid materials constituted of divalent (HFol2−) or trivalent (Fol3−) folic acid anionic species (folates) were also evaluated as nutraceutical and cosmeceutical carriers.1616 Qin, L.; Wang, S.; Zhang, R.; Zhu, R.; Sun, X.; Yao, S.; J. Phys. Chem. Solids 2008, 69, 2779. [Crossref]
, 1717 Xiao, R.; Wang, W.; Pan, L.; Zhu, R.; Yu, Y.; Li, H.; Liu, H.; Wang, S.-L.; J. Mater. Sci. 2011, 46, 2635. [Crossref]
, 1818 Qin, L.; Wang, W.; You, S.; Dong, J.; Zhou, Y.; Wang, J.; Int. J. Nanomed. 2014, 9, 5701. [Crossref]
, 1919 Kim, T.-H.; Oh, J.-M.; J. Solid State Chem. 2016, 233, 125. [Crossref]
, 2020 Arízaga, G. G. C.; Jimenez, C. S.; Saavedra, K. J. P.; Lamas, A. M. M.; Pérez, A. M. P.; Micro Nano Lett. 2016, 11, 360. [Crossref]
, 2121 Mallakpour, S.; Hatami, M.; Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 2019, 122, 157. [Crossref]
, 2222 Pagano, C.; Perioli, L.; Latterini, L.; Nocchetti, M.; Ceccarini, M. R.; Marani, M.; Ramella, D.; Ricci, M.; Appl. Clay Sci. 2019, 168, 382. [Crossref]
Table S1 (Supplementary Information (SI) section) summarizes the studies in the literature about the synthetic methods and characterization of such hybrid materials. Significant advantages regarding the intercalation of folates in LDH structure were described,1616 Qin, L.; Wang, S.; Zhang, R.; Zhu, R.; Sun, X.; Yao, S.; J. Phys. Chem. Solids 2008, 69, 2779. [Crossref]
, 1717 Xiao, R.; Wang, W.; Pan, L.; Zhu, R.; Yu, Y.; Li, H.; Liu, H.; Wang, S.-L.; J. Mater. Sci. 2011, 46, 2635. [Crossref]
, 1818 Qin, L.; Wang, W.; You, S.; Dong, J.; Zhou, Y.; Wang, J.; Int. J. Nanomed. 2014, 9, 5701. [Crossref]
, 1919 Kim, T.-H.; Oh, J.-M.; J. Solid State Chem. 2016, 233, 125. [Crossref]
, 2020 Arízaga, G. G. C.; Jimenez, C. S.; Saavedra, K. J. P.; Lamas, A. M. M.; Pérez, A. M. P.; Micro Nano Lett. 2016, 11, 360. [Crossref]
, 2121 Mallakpour, S.; Hatami, M.; Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 2019, 122, 157. [Crossref]
, 2222 Pagano, C.; Perioli, L.; Latterini, L.; Nocchetti, M.; Ceccarini, M. R.; Marani, M.; Ramella, D.; Ricci, M.; Appl. Clay Sci. 2019, 168, 382. [Crossref]
, 2323 Arratia-Quijada, J.; Sanchez Jimenez, C.; Gurinov, A.; Pérez Centeno, A.; Ceja Andrade, I.; Carbajal Arízaga, G. G.; Mater. Sci. Eng., B 2016, 203, 7. [Crossref]
as detailed and discussed in the SI section. However, most of the work has yet to successfully obtain well-crystalized LDH-FA materials with phase purity and a high amount of intercalated folate, which are required for meaningful physical-chemical characterization, regulation of the drug release and safety (no harmful or fortuitous impurities and less carrier material). In this work, hybrid nanomaterial constituted by folate anionic species (HFol2− and Fol3−) intercalated into the M2+/Al3+-LDH (M2+ = Mg2+ and Zn2+) materials were synthesized by two approaches comprising slow and fast coprecipitation. The main goal was to obtain materials with phase purity to afford an assertive structural, thermal, and spectroscopic characterization of such a folate nanocarrier. The influence of pH value on the preparation of the materials was also investigated. The structure and chemical composition of LDH-FA nanohybrids were evaluated by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), vibrational spectroscopy (infrared and Raman), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), chemical analysis (metal content and carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen (CHN) percentage), and simultaneous thermal analysis coupled to mass spectrometry (TGA-DSC-MS). This work can drive the subsequent research regarding the synthesis, characterization, and application of LDH-FA hybrid materials. Furthermore, the fast coprecipitation approach reported here could be extended to intercalate other organic anions since it has not been much explored in the literature.



Magnesium chloride hexahydrate (MgCl2∙6H2O; 99%) was purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany), and HCl (37%; analytical grade) was supplied by LabSynth (São Paulo, Brazil). Folic acid di-hydrated (FA; C19H19N7O6∙2H2O; ≥ 97%), anhydrous zinc chloride (ZnCl2; ≥ 98%), aluminium chloride hexahydrate (AlCl3∙6H2O; 99%) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH; ≥ 98%) were acquired from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, USA). The reagents were used without any further purification. Deionized water (18 MΩ cm) purified from the Milli-Q Millipore Co. system (Bedford, USA) was used in all experiments.

Synthesis of the hybrid materials

Hybrid materials were synthesized by the coprecipitation method using two approaches: (i) slow coprecipitation with the control of the pH value (constant pH) and (ii) fast coprecipitation without the control of the pH value. The obtained materials are undermentioned as LDH-FA or M2+R− Al-A-S,F, where M2+ is the divalent cation (Mg2+ or Zn2+), R represent the M2+/Al3+ nominal molar ratio equal two, A is the anion (HFol2− or Fol3−) and S and F means slow and fast coprecipitation, respectively. It was considered that the FA molecule possesses two carboxylic acids and one amidic group, marked in Figure 1b as Cα’OOH (pKa2 = 3.38), Cγ’OOH (pKa2 = 4.83) and N3–H (pKa3 = 7.85).2424 Szakács, Z.; Noszál, B.; Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 3399. [Crossref]
Accordingly, the anionic predominant species is HFol2− at pH 7.5, while above pH 9.0, the dominant species is Fol3− (Figure S1, SI section).

Slow coprecipitation method

Zn2Al-HFol-S, Zn2Al-Fol-S and Mg2Al-Fol-S hybrid materials were synthesized based on previous work,2525 Cunha, V. R. R.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Souza, R. B.; Martins, A. M. C. R. P. F.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Petrilli, H. M.; Koh, I. H. J.; Constantino, V. R. L.; New J. Chem. 2020, 44, 10011. [Crossref]
, 2626 Rocha, M. A.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Teixeira-Neto, E.; Petrilli, H. M.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Constantino, V. R. L.; RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 16419. [Crossref]
, 2727 Cunha, V. R. R.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Gonçalves, M. B.; Petrilli, H. M.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Leroux, F.; Temperini, M. L. A.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Chem. Mater. 2012, 24, 1415. [Crossref]
with some modifications. Divalent folate anion (HFol2−) intercalation into Zn2Al-LDH was performed at a constant pH value under the N2 atmosphere. In detail, an aqueous solution containing approximately 16.7 mmol of ZnCl2 and 8.33 mmol of AlCl3·6H2O (ca. 0.1 mol L−1) was dropwise in an aqueous solution containing 8.33 mmol of FA at pH value previously adjusted to 7.5 by the addition of NaOH aqueous solution (ca. 0.2 mol L−1). The addition was carried out at an approximate rate of 0.5 mL min−1, under vigorous mechanical stirring and at 60 ± 5 °C. The pH value of the medium was maintained constant by the simultaneous addition of the NaOH solution. After adding the metal cation solution, the system was kept at the same conditions (i.e., 60 °C, mechanical stirring and N2 atmosphere) for 24 h. The precipitated yellow solid was isolated and rinsed with deionized water by centrifugation (17 000 rpm for 5 min at 25 °C) until a negative chloride ion test (monitored with AgNO3 solution). The slurry was then dispersed in water, frozen under immersion in liquid nitrogen (−196 °C) and freeze-dried for three days in a Thermo Savant ModulyoD (Thermo Fisher Scientific; Waltham, USA) equipment (200 mPa and −50 °C). The obtained solid was named Zn2Al-HFol-S. The intercalation of trivalent folate anion (Fol3−) into Mg2Al-LDH was carried out by the same synthetic method reported for Zn2Al-LDH but at a pH value of 9.5 and using solutions containing 20.0 mmol of MgCl2·6H2O and 10.0 mmol of AlCl3·6H2O (ca. 0.1 mol L−1) and 10.0 mmol of FA. The isolated solid was named Mg2Al-Fol-S. For comparison purposes, Zn2Al-LDH was also synle 1) for Zn2Al-HFol-F and Zn2Al-Fol-F materials synthesized by fast coprecipitation ([FA]/[Al3+] = 0.67).

Fast coprecipitation method

Two solutions were initially prepared for the fast coprecipitation approach. Solution A was obtained by dissolving 3.33 mmol of MgCl2·6H2O (or ZnCl2)and 1.67 mmol of AlCl3·6H2O in 50 mL of water. Solution B was prepared by dissolving 1.12 mmol of FA in 100 mL of an aqueous solution containing 0.133 mol L−1 NaOH (or 0.122 mol L−1 for Zn2Al-HFol-F). After that, solution A was added (approximately 300 mL min−1) in solution B under vigorous stirring, reaching a final [FA]/[Al3+] molar ratio equal to 0.67. Then, the pH value of the media was adjusted to 7.5 (for Zn2Al-HFol-F) or 9.5 (for Zn2Al-Fol-F and Mg2Al-Fol-F) by adding standard HCl (0.1 mol L−1) or NaOH (0.2 mol L−1) solution. The pH value adjustment was made to ensure the intercalation of desired folate anionic species, i.e., HFol2− (pH 7.5) or Fol3− (pH 9.5). Table S2 (SI section) shows the pH value variation of the synthesis media during the process. The system was kept at 60 ± 5 °C under N2 atmosphere for 24 h. Finally, as mentioned above, the obtained materials were rinsed three times with water and freeze-dried.

To improve the crystallinity of Zn2Al-HFol-F, the material was submitted to an additional hydrothermal ageing step. After 24 h at 60 °C, the sample was isolated by centrifugation, rinsed twice, resuspended manually in water (approximately 50 mL per 1 mmol of Al3+ used in the synthesis) and transferred to a stainless-steel reactor containing a Teflon cup (100 mL volume). The reactor was placed inside an oven (heating rate of ca. 4 °C min−1) and heated for 1 h after reaching 150 °C. Next, the system was cooled naturally to room temperature. Finally, the sample was isolated by centrifugation, washed once with water and freeze-dried.

Ion-exchange method

For comparison, the Zn2Al-HFol material was also prepared using the ion-exchange method. The Zn2Al-NO3 precursor was prepared by coprecipitation method as follows: 10 mL of an aqueous solution containing 167.0 mmol L−1 of Zn(NO3)2·6H2O and 83.0 mmol L−1 of Al(NO3)3·9H2O was added dropwise (0.11 mL min−1) in 100 mL of water that had its pH value previously adjusted to 7.5 by the addition of 0.5 mol L−1 NaOH solution. During the salt addition, the pH value was maintained constant by the simultaneous addition of the NaOH solution. After that, the white slurry was isolated by centrifugation and washed once with water. Then, the slurry of freshly prepared Zn2Al-NO3 was manually dispersed in 10 mL of water and gently transferred to 40 mL of FA solution (28 mmol L−1; pH previously adjusted to 7.5), reaching a [FA]/[Al3+] molar ratio of 0.67. The system was kept under stirring and N2 atmosphere at room temperature for 24 h. Finally, the orange solid was isolated, washed three times with water, dried overnight in an oven at 60 °C, and then ground in a mortar.

Physical measurements

XRD patterns of powdered samples were recorded in a Bruker D8 DISCOVER (Billerica, USA) diffractometer (40 kV and 30 mA) with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.15418 nm) source and collected in the 3-70° (2θ) range, with steps of 0.05° (2θ) and scan speed of 0.05° for 3 s. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of powdered samples were recorded on a Bruker Alpha (Billerica, USA) spectrometer (DTGS detector and KBr optics) using a single bounce attenuated total diffuse reflectance (ATR) mode with a diamond crystal in the 4000-400 cm−1 spectral range, 4 cm−1 of resolution and accumulating 512 scans. Fourier transform Raman (FT-Raman) spectra were recorded on Bruker (Billerica, USA) instrument, MultiRam model, equipped with Ge detector (cooled by liquid nitrogen) using excitation radiation of 1064 nm (Nd3+/YAG laser) and 100-200 mW of power on the sample, in the 3500-150 cm−1 spectral range, with 4 cm−1 of resolution and accumulating 1024 scans. Simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry analysis (TGA/DTG-DSC) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) were conducted on a Netzsch (Selb, Germany) thermoanalyzer, model STA 409 PC Luxx, connected to a QMS 403C Aëolos MSD mass spectrometer. The analysis was performed up to 1000 °C under an air atmosphere with a flow rate of 50 mL min−1, a heating rate of 10 °C min−1, and an alumina crucible. Carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen elemental analyses were performed in a PerkinElmer model 2400 (Waltham, USA) analyzer. Magnesium, zinc, and aluminium metal contents were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP OES) on a Spectro Arcos (Kleve, Germany) spectrometer. Both analyses were carried out in triplicate at the Central Analítica of the Instituto de Química-Universidade de São Paulo (CA-IQUSP). The percentage of hydration water and residual mass was obtained by thermal analysis. SEM images were registered in a JEOL (Tokyo, Japan) microscope, model JSM-6610LV, operating at 10 kV and using a secondary electron imaging (SEI) detector. Before the analysis, powdered samples were deposited on aluminium stubs covered with carbon tape and then coated with a thin layer of gold using a Desk V magnetron sputter (Denton Vacuum; Moorestown, USA). TEM images were acquired on a Hitachi H-7650 (Tokyo, Japan) microscope operating with an accelerating voltage of 80 kV. The sample was prepared by suspending the material in ethanol (1 mg mL-1) under ultrasound for 0.5 h. Then, the suspension was dropped onto a copper grid (150 mesh) coated with Formvar/carbon film.

Results and Discussion

XRD characterization

The XRD patterns of hybrid LDH-FA samples obtained by slow or fast coprecipitation methods were typical of the LDH phase (Figures 2a and 2b).2525 Cunha, V. R. R.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Souza, R. B.; Martins, A. M. C. R. P. F.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Petrilli, H. M.; Koh, I. H. J.; Constantino, V. R. L.; New J. Chem. 2020, 44, 10011. [Crossref]
, 2626 Rocha, M. A.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Teixeira-Neto, E.; Petrilli, H. M.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Constantino, V. R. L.; RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 16419. [Crossref]
, 2727 Cunha, V. R. R.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Gonçalves, M. B.; Petrilli, H. M.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Leroux, F.; Temperini, M. L. A.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Chem. Mater. 2012, 24, 1415. [Crossref]
The diffraction peaks were indexed considering a hexagonal cell of rhombohedral symmetry (3R polytype) in the R-3m space group. No other crystalline phase was identified, indicating the obtention of materials with phase purity. The interplanar spacings and lattice parameters calculated from XRD data are summarized in Tables S3-S4 (SI section). The intercalation of folate anions in the interlayer space of LDH was confirmed by the displacement of the peaks attributed to the family of 00l planes (related to the basal spacing – d00l; Figures 2a and 2b) to lower 2θ values in comparison with LDH-Cl counterpart reported in the literature.2525 Cunha, V. R. R.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Souza, R. B.; Martins, A. M. C. R. P. F.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Petrilli, H. M.; Koh, I. H. J.; Constantino, V. R. L.; New J. Chem. 2020, 44, 10011. [Crossref]
, 2626 Rocha, M. A.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Teixeira-Neto, E.; Petrilli, H. M.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Constantino, V. R. L.; RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 16419. [Crossref]
The overlap of peaks 110 and 113 (Figures 2a and 2b) is also consistent with the increase of the interlayer and indicates that it has not formed a non-folate intercalated LDH phase.2525 Cunha, V. R. R.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Souza, R. B.; Martins, A. M. C. R. P. F.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Petrilli, H. M.; Koh, I. H. J.; Constantino, V. R. L.; New J. Chem. 2020, 44, 10011. [Crossref]
, 2626 Rocha, M. A.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Teixeira-Neto, E.; Petrilli, H. M.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Constantino, V. R. L.; RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 16419. [Crossref]
, 2727 Cunha, V. R. R.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Gonçalves, M. B.; Petrilli, H. M.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Leroux, F.; Temperini, M. L. A.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Chem. Mater. 2012, 24, 1415. [Crossref]

Figure 2
XRD patterns of powdered samples obtained by slow coprecipitation (a) and fast coprecipitation (b); folate dimensions estimated by Chem3D Pro software2828 Rubenstein, M.; Chem3D Pro, version 12.0.2; Harvard University, USA, 2010. (c); arrangement proposed for HFol2 intercalated into Zn2Al-HFol-S and Zn2Al-HFol-F samples (d); arrangement proposed for Fol3 intercalated into Mg2Al-Fol-S, Mg2Al-Fol-F, Zn2Al-Fol-S and Zn2Al-Fol-F samples (e). The arrangement of folate anions was proposed, considering the arrangement of molecules in the crystal structure of dihydrate FA resolved by Kaduk et al.2929 Kaduk, J. A.; Crowder, C. E.; Zhong, K.; PowderDiffr. 2015, 30, 52. [Crossref]

The quality of the present XRD data (Figure 2), together with the chemical analysis of the samples discussed below, leaves no doubt about folate intercalation and the purity of the samples. The basal spacing was tunable according to the pH value of the synthesis: materials synthesized at pH 7.5 (Zn2Al-HFol-S and Zn2Al-HFol-F) presented a mean basal spacing of 2.50 nm. In contrast, for the ones prepared at pH above 9.0 (Mg2Al-Fol-S, Mg2Al-Fol-F, Zn2Al-Fol-S and Zn2Al-Fol-F), the basal spacing decreased to around 1.63 nm. The species of folate anion (HFol2− or Fol3−) depends on the pH value of the media (Figure S1). Accordingly, distinct preferential arrangements of HFol2− and Fol3− in the interlayer space of LDH matrices were expected, considering that the layer charge densities were the same for the isolated hybrids (the lattice parameters reported in Tables S3-S4, SI section, were compatible with M2+/M3+ molar ratio equal 2).2525 Cunha, V. R. R.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Souza, R. B.; Martins, A. M. C. R. P. F.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Petrilli, H. M.; Koh, I. H. J.; Constantino, V. R. L.; New J. Chem. 2020, 44, 10011. [Crossref]
, 2626 Rocha, M. A.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Teixeira-Neto, E.; Petrilli, H. M.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Constantino, V. R. L.; RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 16419. [Crossref]
, 2727 Cunha, V. R. R.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Gonçalves, M. B.; Petrilli, H. M.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Leroux, F.; Temperini, M. L. A.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Chem. Mater. 2012, 24, 1415. [Crossref]
Results from the literature1616 Qin, L.; Wang, S.; Zhang, R.; Zhu, R.; Sun, X.; Yao, S.; J. Phys. Chem. Solids 2008, 69, 2779. [Crossref]
, 2121 Mallakpour, S.; Hatami, M.; Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 2019, 122, 157. [Crossref]
related basal spacings varying around 1.60 and 1.82 nm for Mg2Al-LDH materials synthesized by the coprecipitation method at pH 10, in which Fol3− is the dominant species (Figure S1). In this work, the result agreed with the 1.60 nm value previously reported by Qin et al.1616 Qin, L.; Wang, S.; Zhang, R.; Zhu, R.; Sun, X.; Yao, S.; J. Phys. Chem. Solids 2008, 69, 2779. [Crossref]
The works described in the literature (Table S1) concerning the ion exchange method used the precursors of composition ZnRAl-LDH (R = 2-2.5) and pH 7-8.2020 Arízaga, G. G. C.; Jimenez, C. S.; Saavedra, K. J. P.; Lamas, A. M. M.; Pérez, A. M. P.; Micro Nano Lett. 2016, 11, 360. [Crossref]
, 2323 Arratia-Quijada, J.; Sanchez Jimenez, C.; Gurinov, A.; Pérez Centeno, A.; Ceja Andrade, I.; Carbajal Arízaga, G. G.; Mater. Sci. Eng., B 2016, 203, 7. [Crossref]
The basal spacings noticed were around 1.60 nm, a significantly lower value than the ones observed in this work for Zn2Al-HFol-S and Zn2Al-HFol-F (Figure 2 and Tables S3-S4). Therefore, the synthetic method can also influence the arrangement of folate anions inside the interlayer space because the level of ion-exchanged anions can be low, generating materials with co-intercalated anions.3030 Figueiredo, M. P.; Cunha, V. R. R.; Cellier, J.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Constantino, V. R. L.; ChemistrySelect 2022, 7, e202103880. [Crossref]
A higher amount of folate was observed using the coprecipitation than the ion-exchange method for Mg2Al-LDH systems.1616 Qin, L.; Wang, S.; Zhang, R.; Zhu, R.; Sun, X.; Yao, S.; J. Phys. Chem. Solids 2008, 69, 2779. [Crossref]
,2121 Mallakpour, S.; Hatami, M.; Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 2019, 122, 157. [Crossref]
In the ion exchange approach, the organic species, usually more prominent than the anions in the precursor LDH, can take a tilted orientation between the layers, decreasing the basal spacing.3030 Figueiredo, M. P.; Cunha, V. R. R.; Cellier, J.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Constantino, V. R. L.; ChemistrySelect 2022, 7, e202103880. [Crossref]
The XRD data of Zn2Al-HFol prepared by ion-exchange method (starting from Zn2Al-NO3, as reported in the literature2020 Arízaga, G. G. C.; Jimenez, C. S.; Saavedra, K. J. P.; Lamas, A. M. M.; Pérez, A. M. P.; Micro Nano Lett. 2016, 11, 360. [Crossref]
,2222 Pagano, C.; Perioli, L.; Latterini, L.; Nocchetti, M.; Ceccarini, M. R.; Marani, M.; Ramella, D.; Ricci, M.; Appl. Clay Sci. 2019, 168, 382. [Crossref]
,2323 Arratia-Quijada, J.; Sanchez Jimenez, C.; Gurinov, A.; Pérez Centeno, A.; Ceja Andrade, I.; Carbajal Arízaga, G. G.; Mater. Sci. Eng., B 2016, 203, 7. [Crossref]
) confirmed this hypothesis (Figure S2a).

The proposal of an arrangement for folate anions inside the interlayer space is not straightforward because folate structure presents a high degree of freedom, making many folded conformations possible.3131 Gocheva, G.; Petkov, N.; Garcia Luri, A.; Iliev, S.; Ivanova, N.; Petrova, J.; Mitrev, Y.; Madjarova, G.; Ivanova, A.; J. Mol. Liq. 2019, 292, 111392. [Crossref]
However, organic anions intercalated in LDH maintain a conformation similar to their acidic form in solid crystal2626 Rocha, M. A.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Teixeira-Neto, E.; Petrilli, H. M.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Constantino, V. R. L.; RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 16419. [Crossref]
, 3232 Cunha, V. R. R.; Guilherme, V. A.; de Paula, E.; de Araujo, D. R.; Silva, R. O.; Medeiros, J. V. R.; Leite, J. R. S. A.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Foldvari, M.; Petrilli, H. M.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Mater. Sci. Eng. C 2016, 58, 629. [Crossref]
because the lowest energy packing can be achieved.3232 Cunha, V. R. R.; Guilherme, V. A.; de Paula, E.; de Araujo, D. R.; Silva, R. O.; Medeiros, J. V. R.; Leite, J. R. S. A.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Foldvari, M.; Petrilli, H. M.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Mater. Sci. Eng. C 2016, 58, 629. [Crossref]
Such a proposal was reported for sulindac2626 Rocha, M. A.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Teixeira-Neto, E.; Petrilli, H. M.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Constantino, V. R. L.; RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 16419. [Crossref]
and mefenamic3232 Cunha, V. R. R.; Guilherme, V. A.; de Paula, E.; de Araujo, D. R.; Silva, R. O.; Medeiros, J. V. R.; Leite, J. R. S. A.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Foldvari, M.; Petrilli, H. M.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Mater. Sci. Eng. C 2016, 58, 629. [Crossref]
anions from the correlation of theoretical results of a one-dimensional electron density plot (applied to XRD results of LDH-A) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations of their acidic form. Kaduk et al.2929 Kaduk, J. A.; Crowder, C. E.; Zhong, K.; PowderDiffr. 2015, 30, 52. [Crossref]
resolved the dihydrate FA crystal structure by Rietveld refinement and geometry optimization by DFT. Glu moieties are bent concerning the p-ABA and PT ones, which are tilted about each other due to hydrogen bonds.2929 Kaduk, J. A.; Crowder, C. E.; Zhong, K.; PowderDiffr. 2015, 30, 52. [Crossref]
The unit cell c-axis was 3.24 nm, and the d002 value, related to the height dimension of one molecule, was ca. 1.60 nm.2929 Kaduk, J. A.; Crowder, C. E.; Zhong, K.; PowderDiffr. 2015, 30, 52. [Crossref]
The dimensions of folate anions were estimated in this work to be 1.8 × 0.7 × 0.7 nm (Figure 2c) using Chem3D Pro software.2828 Rubenstein, M.; Chem3D Pro, version 12.0.2; Harvard University, USA, 2010. The difference in the estimated folate arrangement was in the Glu moiety, which was not folded as in FA crystal.

Considering the LDH layer thickness (0.21 nm) and the hydrogen-bond distances between LDH and intercalated anions (2 × 0.27 nm), the interlayer distance occupied by the guest was estimated to be around 1.89 nm (Zn2Al-HFol-S and Zn2Al-HFol-F) and 0.88 nm (Mg2Al-Fol-S, Mg2Al-Fol-F, Zn2Al-Fol-S and Zn2Al-Fol-F), as represented in Figures 2d and 2e. Considering the good match between the estimated height dimension of the HFol2− (1.8 nm) and the interlayer room available (approximately 1.75 nm) in Zn2Al-HFol-S and Zn2Al-HFol-F materials, a monolayer arrangement of anion species could be proposed, in which Glu moiety is parallel to the LDH layer. In contrast, the PT moiety is perpendicular to the layer (Figure 2d). Considering the gallery available (approximately 0.88 nm) for materials synthesized at pH value 9.0, Fol3− anions could be intercalated in a monolayer and tilted at an estimated angle of around 30° along the crystallographic c-axis, in which Glu moiety is perpendicular (Figure 2e). Some studies1616 Qin, L.; Wang, S.; Zhang, R.; Zhu, R.; Sun, X.; Yao, S.; J. Phys. Chem. Solids 2008, 69, 2779. [Crossref]
, 1717 Xiao, R.; Wang, W.; Pan, L.; Zhu, R.; Yu, Y.; Li, H.; Liu, H.; Wang, S.-L.; J. Mater. Sci. 2011, 46, 2635. [Crossref]
, 1818 Qin, L.; Wang, W.; You, S.; Dong, J.; Zhou, Y.; Wang, J.; Int. J. Nanomed. 2014, 9, 5701. [Crossref]
, 1919 Kim, T.-H.; Oh, J.-M.; J. Solid State Chem. 2016, 233, 125. [Crossref]
also proposed that Fol3− was tilted along the c-axis, but the tilt angle estimated varied between 60 and 70°. However, the unfolded anion conformation was considered, and hydrogen bonds between guest and host were disregarded. Such changes in the anion array according to the pH of synthesis can be attributed to the fact that Fol3− also has a charge in the PT group. Then, the tendency of folate anion to be arranged in a tilted array pattern to maximize the interactions between the anion and the oppositely charged layer is plausible.

Considering an ideal Al3+ distribution in the intralayer, the surface area occupied by a charge in the LDH structure is around 0.25 nm2/q+ (or 0.50 nm2/q+ if both layer sides are considered).3333 Costantino, U.; Coletti, N.; Nocchetti, M.; Aloisi, G. G.; Elisei, F.; Langmuir 1999, 15, 4454. [Crossref]
By assuming a parallelepiped of about 1.8 nm × 0.7 nm × 0.7 nm enclosing the molecular shape of folic acid molecule (see Figure 2c), one can calculate two different surface areas per unit charge for each folate anion depending on the orientation concerning the hydroxide layers. The estimated area occupied by HFol2- in a perpendicular orientation is 0.49 nm2 (0.7 × 0.7 nm), corresponding to a charge density of ca. 0.25 nm2/q, which is quite the same as the charge density of LDH. Therefore, charge balancing can be obtained from close packing and a perpendicular orientation of HFol2− anions concerning the LDH layers. Otherwise, the lower interlayer distance measured for intercalated Fol3- species (in Mg2Al-Fol-S, Mg2Al-Fol-F, Zn2Al-Fol-S and Zn2Al-Fol-F) is consistent with a titled orientation with an inclination angle of about 30° (Figure 2e). Thus, the estimated projected area of the anion to the layer was around 1.1 nm2, corresponding to about 0.37 nm2/q. This value is higher than the LDH layer charge density. Hence, the anions should be arranged away from each other in this case, and the co-intercalation of a small chloride anion is required to reach the electroneutrality of the material. Figure S3a (SI section) presents a proposal for the neutralization of 10 positive electric charges of a M2+2Al-LDH matrix by three Fol3− and one Cl ions, respecting the 10 × 0.25 nm2 of the inorganic surface area and the projected area of 1.1 nm2 of each folate ion on the layers. Considering this proportion between positive and negative charges, Figure Sxpected according to the pH value of the synthesis. The FTIR and FT-Raman (Figures 3a and 3b) results were analyzed according to our previous work,3737 Magri, V. R.; Rocha, M. A.; de Matos, C. S.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Leroux, F.; Petrilli, H. M.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 2022, 273, 120981. [Crossref]
in which sodium folate salts (Na2HFol and Na3Fol) were taken as a reference of di- and trivalent anions, and DFT calculations supported the interpretation of the results. The intercalation of HFol2− was confirmed in Zn2Al-HFol-S and Zn2Al-HFol-F be

Figure 3
FTIR (ATR) (top) and FT-Raman (bottom) spectra of samples obtained by slow coprecipitation (a) and by fast coprecipitation (b).

Comparing the slow and fast coprecipitation approach, materials obtained in this work presented higher crystallinity when obtained by the former method, as noticed by the better resolution, higher intensity, and lower width of the 00l diffraction peaks (Figures 2a and 2b). Broadening of diffraction peaks is expected for materials possessing small crystallite sizes (mathematically represented for the Scherrer equation),3434 Valente, J. S.; Lima, E.; Toledo-Antonio, J. A.; Cortes-Jacome, M. A.; Lartundo-Rojas, L.; Montiel, R.; Prince, J.; J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 2089. [Crossref]
, 3535 Zhao, Y.; Li, F.; Zhang, R.; Evans, D. G.; Duan, X.; Chem. Mater. 2002, 14, 4286. [Crossref]
as expected for the ones obtained by fast coprecipitation.3535 Zhao, Y.; Li, F.; Zhang, R.; Evans, D. G.; Duan, X.; Chem. Mater. 2002, 14, 4286. [Crossref]
In addition, taking Zn2Al-HFol-F as a model, the thermal treatment (at 60 °C for 24 h) did not significantly improve the crystallinity of the material compared to the material without thermal treatment (Figure S4a). However, an additional step of hydrothermal treatment at 150 °C for 1 h improved the crystallinity of Zn2Al-HFol-F, as noticed in Figure S4b. Ostwald ripening mechanism is anticipated upon hydrothermal treatment, i.e., smaller particles getting dissolved and precipitating into bigger crystals to give more abundant and better-crystalized materials.3636 Sun, X.; Neuperger, E.; Dey, S. K.; J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2015, 459, 264. [Crossref]
The XRD patterns (Figure S4b) showed at least five harmonic reflection peaks, indicating a high organization of the stacked LDH layers promoted by the hydrothermal process without producing side phases as zinc oxide.

Vibrational spectroscopy

Vibrational spectroscopy can be applied to confirm the presence of folate species in the LDH samples since distinct anions (H2Fol and Fol3−) are expected according to the pH value of the synthesis. The FTIR and FT-Raman (Figures 3a and 3b) results were analyzed according to our previous work,3737 Magri, V. R.; Rocha, M. A.; de Matos, C. S.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Leroux, F.; Petrilli, H. M.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 2022, 273, 120981. [Crossref]
in which sodium folate salts (Na2HFol and Na3Fol) were taken as a reference of di- and trivalent anions, and DFT calculations supported the interpretation of the results. The intercalation of HFol2− was confirmed in Zn2Al-HFol-S and Zn2Al-HFol-F because: (i) the band at 1690 cm−1 region, attributed to νCα,β=O from glutamic acid moiety (with contribution from νC4=O), was much lower in comparison to FA, as reported previously;3737 Magri, V. R.; Rocha, M. A.; de Matos, C. S.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Leroux, F.; Petrilli, H. M.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 2022, 273, 120981. [Crossref]
(ii) two bands were observed in the 1550-1500 and 1400 cm−1 spectral region, which are attributed to antisymmetric (νas) and symmetric stretching (νs) vibration of carboxylate groups (COO) from glutamate, respectively; (iii) no indication of deprotonated PT group was observed. The Fol3− species are characterized by the band at 1500 cm−1 region (νC(4)–O and νasCα’OO) being more intense than the band at 1600 cm−1 (benzene stretching). Furthermore, while the Raman spectrum of HFol2− presented splinted bands at 1330 and 1300 cm−1 region (also in IR spectra), Fol3− presented overlapped bands around 1340 cm−1, which is attributed to the increase in the aromaticity of rings in PT moiety due to the deprotonation of N3-H group. Such spectral profile was only observed for Mg2Al-Fol-S (Figure 3a) and Mg2Al-Fol-F and Zn2Al-Fol-F (Figure 3b), confirming the presence of Fol3− in such materials. Although Zn2Al-Fol-S presented a vibrational profile like Zn2Al-HFol-S (Figure 3a), its spectrum also presented overlapped bands around 1340 cm-1 (in Raman and IR spectra) characteristic of Fol3– species. These results suggested the intercalation of both HFol2-/Fol3-, attributed to the pH 9.0 applied in synthesizing such samples. The materials prepared by the ion-exchange method presented FTIR’s spectral profile of intercalated HFol2- with the contribution of vibrational bands of NO3- anion (Figure S2b).

Vibrational spectroscopy results indicated that the organic anions did not decompose during the synthesis, keeping their chemical identities, even when submitted to hydrothermal treatment (Figure S5, SI section). In addition, the position of the band of LDH-FA regarding the carboxylate and PT groups presented values close to the sodium salts reported previously,3737 Magri, V. R.; Rocha, M. A.; de Matos, C. S.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Leroux, F.; Petrilli, H. M.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 2022, 273, 120981. [Crossref]
which suggests a coulombic interaction between guest and host.3838 Nara, M.; Torii, H.; Tasumi, M.; J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100, 19812. [Crossref]

The strong broadband in the 2800-3600 cm−1 region can be attributed to O–H stretching from M–OH groups of LDH layers and hydration water molecules.3939 Kloprogge, J. T.; Hickey, L.; Frost, R. L.; J. Raman Spectrosc. 2004, 35, 967. [Crossref]
A signal around 1650 cm−1 is assigned to the bending vibration of hydration water.3939 Kloprogge, J. T.; Hickey, L.; Frost, R. L.; J. Raman Spectrosc. 2004, 35, 967. [Crossref]
The bands below 1000 cm−1 have the contribution of M–OH and M–O vibrations.3939 Kloprogge, J. T.; Hickey, L.; Frost, R. L.; J. Raman Spectrosc. 2004, 35, 967. [Crossref]
Such bands were not resolved in the FT-Raman spectra of LDH-FA because the cross-section of the LDH layer is not as high as that of the organic anion.4040 Gil, O. M.; Rocha, M. A.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Koh, I. H. J.; de Faria, D. L. A.; Vib. Spectrosc. 2016, 87, 60. [Crossref]

Electron microscopy

SEM micrographs of representative samples Zn2Al-HFol-S, Zn2Al-Fol-S and Mg2Al-Fol-S are compared in Figure 4. In general, the Mg2Al-Fol-S presented aggregated particles with flake-type (considerable length and small thickness) morphology, while the particles of Zn2Al-HFol-S material were much smaller without a defined morphology. The Zn2Al-Fol-S and Mg2Al-Fol-S materials presented similar sizes and morphologies. The materials intercalated with Fol3− (synthesized at pH above 9.0) seemed a particle growth favored in the a/b plane. Therefore, the results indicated that the morphology of LDH-FA was driven by the protonation level of folate anion instead of the layer’s chemical composition.

Figure 4
SEM micrographs of representative samples (A) Mg2Al-Fol-S, (B) Zn2Al-Fol-S and (C) Zn2Al-HFol-S obtained by slow coprecipitation; magnified 5,000× (a), 20,000× (b) and 50,000× (c).

Figure 5 shows the TEM images of samples prepared by slow (Mg2Al-Fol-S and Zn2Al-HFol-S) and fast (Mg2Al-Fol-F and Zn2Al-HFol-F) methods for comparison. In general, materials presented aggregates of particles with distinct shapes. The results showed that materials intercalated with Fol3− had larger diameter particles than the ones intercalated with HFol2− (see Figures 5c, 5d and S6, SI section), in line with what was noticed by SEM analysis (Figure 4). The particle size of samples obtained by the fast coprecipitation method was smaller than that obtained by the slow addition of reactants to the folate solution (conventional method). These results agreed with Zhao et al.3535 Zhao, Y.; Li, F.; Zhang, R.; Evans, D. G.; Duan, X.; Chem. Mater. 2002, 14, 4286. [Crossref]
for the Mg/Al-CO3 counterpart. According to the authors, in the slow addition approach, the particle nucleation and growth steps occur concomitantly because the nuclei formed at the beginning have a long time to grow until the end of the synthetic process. For instance, such results are valuable in the context of drug delivery since LDH particle size influences the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the system.1414 Oh, J. M.; Choi, S. J.; Lee, G. E.; Kim, J. E.; Choy, J. H.; Chem. - Asian J. 2009, 4, 67. [Crossref]
, 4141 Gu, Z.; Wu, A.; Li, L.; Xu, Z.; Pharmaceutics 2014, 6, 235. [Crossref]
, 4242 Li, S.; Li, J.; Wang, C. J.; Wang, Q.; Cader, M. Z.; Lu, J.; Evans, D. G.; Duan, X.; O’Hare, D.; J. Mater. Chem. B 2013, 1, 61. [Crossref]
Large particles can decrease drug release rates due to a longer diffusion path than the small ones.4141 Gu, Z.; Wu, A.; Li, L.; Xu, Z.; Pharmaceutics 2014, 6, 235. [Crossref]
Besides, LDH particles less than 20 nm can reach the cellular nucleus while those up to 180 nm stay in the cytoplasm.4242 Li, S.; Li, J.; Wang, C. J.; Wang, Q.; Cader, M. Z.; Lu, J.; Evans, D. G.; Duan, X.; O’Hare, D.; J. Mater. Chem. B 2013, 1, 61. [Crossref]

Figure 5
TEM micrographs of samples Mg2Al-Fol-S (a) and Zn2Al-HFol-S (b) obtained by slow coprecipitation and samples Mg2Al-Fol-F (c) and Zn2Al-HFol-F (d) obtained by fast coprecipitation. Red arrows indicate the estimated diameter of the particles.

Thermal analysis (TGA-DSC and DTG-MS)

Thermal analysis data are presented in Figure 6 and summarized in Table S5 (SI section). Endothermic events (DSC curves) and water release (m/z 18; MS curves) indicated the dehydration of samples up to 184 and 242 °C for Zn2Al-LDH and Mg2Al-LDH materials, respectively. Under the experimental conditions used in this work, the dehydroxylation of Zn2Al-LDH materials occurred around the 150-300 °C range, as noticed by endothermic events (DSC curves) and water release (m/z 18; MS curves). On the other hand, the dehydroxylation of Mg2Al-LDH samples initiated above 220 °C and was concurrent with the first thermal oxidation event of folate anions. As reported in the literature,2626 Rocha, M. A.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Teixeira-Neto, E.; Petrilli, H. M.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Constantino, V. R. L.; RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 16419. [Crossref]
, 4343 Frost, R. L.; Martens, W.; Ding, Z.; Kloprogge, J. T.; J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2003, 71, 429. [Crossref]
Zn2Al-LDH hydroxide layers are less thermal stable than the Mg2Al-LDH ones.

Figure 6
TG-DSC (a,b) and DTG-MS (c,d) curves of samples obtained by slow coprecipitation (a,c) and fast coprecipitation (b,d).

The intercalation improved the thermal stability of anionic species compared with pristine FA, but the data were close to those observed for Na2HFol and Na3Fol salts.3737 Magri, V. R.; Rocha, M. A.; de Matos, C. S.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Leroux, F.; Petrilli, H. M.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 2022, 273, 120981. [Crossref]
Taking into account the beginning of CO2 release (m/z 44; MS curves) associated with exothermic events (DSC curve) and comparing with our previously reported results for FA and folate sodium salts, the following stability order could be established: Zn2Al-Fol-F (315 °C) > Na3Fol (300 °C) ca. Mg2Al-Fol-S (297 °C) > Zn2Al-HFol-F (294 °C) ca. Zn2Al-HFol-S (290 °C) ≥ Mg2Al-Fol-F (288 °C) ca. Zn2Al-Fol-S (285 °C) > Na2HFol (267 °C) > FA (198 °C). Besides, the thermal behavior of intercalated anions was distinct when Zn2Al-HFol, Zn2Al-Fol and Mg2Al-Fol materials obtained from fast and slow methods were compared. The changes in the thermal behavior depend on the nature of the anion3737 Magri, V. R.; Rocha, M. A.; de Matos, C. S.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Leroux, F.; Petrilli, H. M.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 2022, 273, 120981. [Crossref]
(folate speciation, Figure S1), its arrangement between the layers (Figure 2), and the composition of the LDH layer (zinc or magnesium in this work).2626 Rocha, M. A.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Teixeira-Neto, E.; Petrilli, H. M.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Constantino, V. R. L.; RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 16419. [Crossref]
These parameters influence the interactions between guest-host, guest-water and guest-guest.

After the dehydration step, materials prepared by the fast coprecipitation method presented, in general, more defined thermal events attributed to the oxidation of folate anions (TGA-DSC and DTG-MS curves; Figure 6). Such differences can be attributed to the smaller particle size of the samples obtained through the fast approach. Typically, an advancement in thermal events is experimentally observed for materials that exhibit small particles, although the underlying reasons are not fully understood.4444 Ionashiro, M.; Giolito: Princípios Básicos da Termogravimetria e Análise Térmica Diferencial/ Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial; GIZ Editorial: São Paulo, 2004. One plausible explanation is that thermal conduction is higher for smaller particles than for larger ones.4444 Ionashiro, M.; Giolito: Princípios Básicos da Termogravimetria e Análise Térmica Diferencial/ Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial; GIZ Editorial: São Paulo, 2004., 4545 Hu, S.; Li, W.; ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 2900. [Crossref]
Taking Mg2Al-Fol-S,F as examples, the oxidation events of folate anions occurred at higher temperature values (see DTG peaks) for Mg2Al-Fol-S than Mg2Al-Fol-F (Figures 6c and 6d). On the other hand, marked differences in the thermal oxidative events were observed for Zn2Al-Fol counterparts, especially in the 450-550 °C range. It could be associated with the distinct thermal behavior of HFol2− and Fol3− anions;3737 Magri, V. R.; Rocha, M. A.; de Matos, C. S.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Leroux, F.; Petrilli, H. M.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 2022, 273, 120981. [Crossref]
since HFol2−/Fol3− species were co-intercalation into Zn2Al-Fol-S material, as indicated by vibrational data, while only Fol3− was expected in Zn2Al-Fol-F.

Chemical elemental analysis

The chemical elemental analysis data are presented in Table 1, and the results indicated that the material layers had an M2+/Al3+ (M2+ = Mg2+ and Zn2+) molar ratio close to the nominal value (i.e., 2). However, this value was lower than expected for Zn2Al-HFol. The complexing character of folic acid (folate) against transition metals4646 El-Wahed, M. G. A.; Refat, M. S.; El-Megharbel, S. M.; Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 2008, 70, 916. [Crossref]
could explain such results. The same was not observed for LDH-Cl materials synthesized by a similar method, as reported in the literature,2626 Rocha, M. A.; Petersen, P. A. D.; Teixeira-Neto, E.; Petrilli, H. M.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Gueho, C.; Constantino, V. R. L.; RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 16419. [Crossref]
evidencing the role of the organic anion in zinc precipitation. The formation of [Zn(FA)] and [Zn(FA)2] complexes is expected in slightly neutral media, and their global stability constants, expressed as log K, are −1.34 and 4.37, respectively.4747 Fazary, A. E.; Ramadan, A. M.; Complex Met. 2014, 1, 139. [Crossref]
One can consider that during the synthesis of LDH-FA, both intercalation and complexation reactions occur concomitantly in the conditions used in this work for Zn2Al-HFol-S. Tronto et al.4848 Tronto, J.; Crepaldi, E. L.; Pavan, P. C.; Cipriano De Paula, C.; Valim, J. B.; Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 2001, 356, 227. [Crossref]
studied the synthesis of Mg2Al-LDH intercalated with citrate anions and proposed that only the complexation reaction occurs at the beginning of precursors addition into the anion solution. As the addition progresses and the coprecipitation starts, the equilibrium is displaced to the intercalation reaction. Complementary, the higher [Zn2+]/[Al3+] molar ratio determined for Zn2Al-Fol-S than for Zn2Al-HFol-S (Table 1) indicated that the increase of pH (more OH ions are available and Zn-FA complexation is precluded) could favor the formation of Zn2Al-LDH phase. It must also be considered that the complexation reaction can also be prevented by lowering the [FA]/[Al3+] molar ratio, leading to the Zn2+ increasing content in the intralayer, as previously noticed for Zn2Al-LDH intercalated with the ciprofloxacin anion.4949 Cherif, N. F.; Constantino, V. R. L.; Hamdaoui, O.; Leroux, F.; Taviot-Guého, C.; New J. Chem. 2020, 44, 10076. [Crossref]
No difference between the nominal and the experimental Zn2+ content was observed (Table 1) for Zn2Al-HFol-F and Zn2Al-Fol-F materials synthesized by fast coprecipitation ([FA]/[Al3+] = 0.67).

Table 1
Chemical composition and proposed formula for LDH-FA materials

The elemental analysis results agreed with the co-intercalation of HFol2−/Fol3− in Zn2Al-Fol-S, which aligns with the vibrational spectroscopy analysis. According to the FA speciation curves (Figure S1), in the synthesis pH value of 9.0, the molar fractions of divalent (HFol2−) and trivalent (Fol3−) folate anions in solution are expected to be around 0.1 and 0.9, respectively. However, chemical speciation can differ considering the synthesis medium containing Zn2+, Al3+, OH- anions, and LDH suspended particles. In addition, to match the proposal formulas considering the carbon and nitrogen percentages, the presence of small amounts of adsorbed Na2Hfol and Na3Fol in the Zn2Al-HFol-F and Zn2Al-Fol-F materials, respectively, was suggested. The washing steps probably did not surpass the interaction between the organic anions on the LDH external surface. The hydrothermal treatment of the Zn2Al-HFol-F sample led to the leaching of only around 1.8% of Zn2+. For Mg2Al-Fol-S and Mg2Al-Fol-F, the proposed chemical formulas were similar, indicating that variations did not influence the Mg2Al-LDH phase in the synthesis parameters. Moreover, the elemental analysis results for materials synthesized at pH above 9.0 also suggested the co-intercalation of Fol3−/Cl in a 3:1 ratio (Table 1), as proposed by XRD analysis (Figure S3).

The loading capacity of LDH-FA materials synthesized in this work (Table 1) was higher or as high as those reported in the literature (indicated in Table S1). The chemical elemental analysis results agreed with thermal analysis (considering the residual mass), XRD and spectroscopic (IR and Raman) data. In addition, it is worth highlighting that the synthesis of LDH/organic anion hybrid materials obtained by fast coprecipitation has yet to be explored in the literature. For the first time, such a synthesis approach was applied to prepare Zn2Al-HFol-F, Zn2Al-Fol-F and Mg2Al-Fol-F materials, with high synthesis yields of 77, 79 and 82%, respectively.


In this work, M2+/Al3+-LDH (M2+ = Mg2+ or Zn2+) materials intercalated with folate anions (HFol2− or Fol3−) were synthesized and characterized by a set of physicochemical techniques going further than what has already been reported in the literature. Two synthetic approaches (i.e., slow and fast coprecipitation) were applied to obtain materials with phase purity and high loading capacity. The pH of synthesis media drove the protonation level of intercalated folate species, which was attributed to the FA speciation in the pH range of work, confirmed by vibrational spectroscopy and chemical analysis. Consequently, the arrangement of the folates in the interlayer region of LDH (XRD analysis), as well as the size of the material’s particles (SEM and TEM), their loading capacity (chemical analysis) and thermal behavior (TGA/DTG-DSC-MS) were dependent of the coprecipitation pH value. Comparing the synthetic approaches, the main difference observed was the lesser crystallinity degree and particle diameter of materials obtained by fast coprecipitation. This detailed work could contribute to the subsequent research concerning the application of LDH intercalated with folate anions or other anions from polyprotic organic acids.

Supplementary Information

Supplementary data are available free of charge at as a PDF file.


V. R. M. is grateful to the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Brazil, Finance Code 33002010191P0) for the PhD scholarship. C. S. M. acknowledges the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo for a research grant (FAPESP 12/06291-4). V. R. L. C. is thankful to the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, 314034/2021-8) and FAPESP (INCT-INEO 2014/50869-6) for the research grants. This work was partially supported by the region Auvergne-Rhone Alpes (Pack Ambition International AURA program). The authors are thankful to the Laboratório de Cristalografia (Instituto de Física-USP) for the XRD diffractograms registration, the Laboratório de Espectroscopia Molecular (LEM, Instituto de Química-USP) for the Raman and FTIR spectra, and Prof Marcos A. Bizeto (Universidade Federal de São Paulo-UNIFESP, Campus Diadema-SP) for the SEM analysis.


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Editor handled this article: Ítalo O. Mazali (Guest)

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    09 Aug 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    23 Feb 2024
  • Accepted
    11 July 2024
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química - UNICAMP, Caixa Postal 6154, 13083-970 Campinas SP - Brazil, Tel./FAX.: +55 19 3521-3151 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil