Open-access An Alternative Mechanism for the 1,4-Asymmetric Induction in the Stereoselective Addition of (R)-Pantolactone to 2-Phenylpropylketene

An alternative mechanism for the 1,4-assymmetric induction in the stereoselective addition of (R)-pantolactone to 2-phenylpropylketene was theoretically investigated. A mechanism involving an intermolecular proton transfer assisted by two amine molecules was proposed, which considered the active participation of the dimethylethylamine and its ion as proton transfer agents. In the first step, a neutral dimethylethylamine interacts with the seven-membered ring of the enol intermediate. A specific acid-base interaction is established between the hydroxyl group of the enol and the nitrogen atom of the dimethylethylamine. The neutral dimethylethylamine is basic enough to remove the proton. Another protonated dimethylethylamine is considered to donate its proton to the C=C double bond to give the desired products. The stereochemical outcome was defined by the way that the neutral and protonated dimethylethylamine approached to the enol. The diastereoisomeric ratio found is in good agreement with experiments [for (S, R) and (R, R) it is 99:1].

density functional calculations; diastereoselectivity; protonation; alcohols; ketenes

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