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Integrating Object-Oriented Analysis and Formal Specification

One of the main inhibitors to the widespread acceptance of formal specification methods is the difficulty of integrating formal specification with the development process. Integrated methods seek to mitigate this difficulty by integrating formal specification with widely used structured requirements analysis methods. Several structured and formal methods are object-oriented. This paper describes a prototype integrated method and support tool called Metamorphosis that exploits the object paradigm to integrate OMT and Object-Z. Metamorphosis is presented here to demonstrate how object-oriented analysis methods such as OMT may be augmented to provide the additional rigour of formal analysis.

object-oriented analysis; model component; formal method; integrated method; formal framework

Sociedade Brasileira de Computação Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - UFRGS, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500, B. Agronomia, Caixa Postal 15064, 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil, Tel. / Fax: (55 51) 316.6835 - Campinas - SP - Brazil