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Neutrophils phagocytosing fungal hyphae in urinary sediment


The Phagocytosis of fungal structures by neutrophils is a well-documented function of these immune cells. However, neutrophil phagocytosis of hyphal structures in the urine sediment is not usually observed during routine sample evaluation. This is a case of hyphal phagocytosis by neutrophils in the urine of a kidney allograft recipient patient.

Phagocytosis; Hyphae; Urinalysis; Neutrophils.

Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia Rua Machado Bittencourt, 205 - 5ºandar - conj. 53 - Vila Clementino - CEP:04044-000 - São Paulo SP, Telefones: (11) 5579-1242/5579-6937, Fax (11) 5573-6000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil