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Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis: case report


Patients with chronic kidney disease (CDK) can develop several diseases caused by the renal replacement therapy. Here we report a rare complication of peritoneal dialysis, the encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) in which the peritoneal tissue is gradually replaced by fibrous tissue. The patient in question, after late loss of renal graft and conversion to peritoneal dialysis, evolved with multiple hospitalizations for spontaneous bacterial infections, in recent admission, he was diagnosed with sub-occlusive abdomen secondary to the EPS. Five days after, presented with intestinal obstruction requiring surgical approach by laparotomy, being performed with right colectomy, enterectomy, enteroraphy and ileostomy with drainage. The patient progressed well and follows on prednisone and tamoxifen-associated with intermittent hemodialysis.

peritoneal dialysis; peritoneal fibrosis; renal insufficiency, chronic

Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia Rua Machado Bittencourt, 205 - 5ºandar - conj. 53 - Vila Clementino - CEP:04044-000 - São Paulo SP, Telefones: (11) 5579-1242/5579-6937, Fax (11) 5573-6000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil