Open-access What is adolescents' eating disorder risk behavior?

OBJECTIVE: To characterize eating disorder (ED) risk behavior and its prevalence among adolescents in a review of national and international literature. METHODS: We carried out an integrative review on PubMed (U.S. National Library of Medicine), Lilacs and SciELO, using descriptors related to "eating disorder risk behavior". Articles published in the last 10 years, in Portuguese, Spanish and English, and specifically with adolescents were selected. The nomenclature and instruments used to assess eating disorder risk behaviors and its frequency were evaluated and analyzed in 76 articles. RESULTS: Several terms to assess ED risk behavior were found; questionnaires and scales were used, mainly EAT-26 or 40 and BITE. The prevalence of risk ranged from 0.24% to 58.4%. CONCLUSION: Different names and instruments are used to assess ED risk behavior among adolescents, and there is a wide variation in the prevalence. Standardization of terms and evaluation methodology might enhance a better comparison of epidemiological studies in different locations.

Eating disorders; adolescent; risk

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