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Quality of life in patients with ileal pouch for ulcerative colitis

Qualidade de vida em portadores de reservatório ileal por retocolite ulcerativa



proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) is the standard surgical procedure for the treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC) and is associated with the prospect of cure. Experience gained over the years has demonstrated the occurrence of a high number of complications as well as bowel disorders that can compromise quality of life (QoL).


evaluate QoL in patients with IPAA for ulcerative colitis.


the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) was used to assess QoL in patients with IPAA after its validation in Portuguese.


thirty-one patients submitted to IPAA by the same group of professionals were evaluated. QoL was classified as regular in all domains evaluated (intestinal and systemic symptoms and emotional and social aspects). There were no differences in relation to gender, type of pouch or postoperative time. However, elderly patients showed a tendency toward lower scores. Having a professional activity was associated with higher scores in systemic symptoms and social aspects (p < 0.05). Patients with ileostomy showed lower values in the domains of systemic symptoms, emotional and social aspects (p <0.05).


in all domains assessed, patients with IPAA for UC had QoL classified as regular. Ileostomy and lack of professional activity negatively influenced QoL.

Quality of Life; Ileal pouch; Ulcerative Colitis


Avaliar a qualidade de vida em portadores de RI por RCUI.


Foi empregado IBDQ, validado em português na avaliação da QoL em portadores de RI.


Foram avaliados 31 pacientes submetidos a RI pelo mesmo grupo. QoL foi classificada como regular em todos os domínios avaliados (sintomas intestinais e sistêmicos e aspectos emocionais e sociais). Não houve diferenças em relação ao sexo, tipo de reservatório ou tempo de pós-operatório. Entretanto, pacientes idosos apresentaram uma tendência a escores mais baixos. Atividade profissional relacionou-se com escores mais altos em sintomas sistêmicos e aspectos sociais (p < 0,05). Portadores de ileostomia apresentaram valores mais baixos nos domínios sintomas sistêmicos, aspectos emocionais e sociais (p < 0,05).


Em todos os domínios avaliados, portadores de RI por RCUI apresentaram QoL classificada como regular. Ileostomia e inatividade profissional influenciaram negativamente a QoL.

Qualidade de vida; Reservatório ileal; Retocolite ulcerativa


Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease of unknown etiology, characterized by lesions in the colon and rectum mucosa and submucosa. Drug treatment is preferred; however, cases that do not respond to medical therapy or that developed complications such as toxic megacolon or dysplasia/cancer may require surgical treatment.

Parks & Nicholls( 11. Parks AG & Nicholls RJ, Proctocolectomy without ileostomy for ulcerative colitis. Br Med J, 1978; 2:85-8. ) proposed as a surgical option in UC the proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA). This procedure was associated for many years with a prospect of cure at a time when treatment options were scarcer and less effective. Thus, many patients were submitted to this surgery in the 1980's and 1990's. Currently, IPAA is still the standard procedure in UC, but the experience gained over the years demonstrated the occurrence of high morbidity, bowel disorders and pouch inflammation (pouchitis), which can negatively influence the quality of life (QoL) and oppose the initial expectations.( 22. Góes JNR. Preservação da Arcada Vascular Marginal do Cólon Direito como via suplementar de irrigação sanguínea ao reservatório ileal em posição pélvica; estudos de dissecção em cadáveres e de observação clínica. Tese de livre docência. FCM- UNICAMP. 2001. )

Thus, it is justified to currently assess the perception and QoL of patients after IPAA in relation to surgical or other therapeutic options. The information obtained may establish parameters for the indication of the procedure, as well as provide subsidies for the better understanding of the expected results by patients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the QoL in patients with IPAA for UC after at least one year postoperatively.

Patients and methods

Patients with IPAA for UC of both genders and aged 18 and older, operated by the Coloproctology Group (DMAD-FCM-UNICAMP) were included in the study. Patients with a postoperative diagnosis of Crohn's disease and postoperative time of less than one year were excluded.

The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ), validated in Portuguese,( 31. Parks AG & Nicholls RJ, Proctocolectomy without ileostomy for ulcerative colitis. Br Med J, 1978; 2:85-8. ) was used to assess QoL; it consists of 32 questions in four domains: intestinal and systemic symptoms, social and emotional aspects. Each question has seven scored answers, with the worst being scored as one and the best as seven. The sum of all domains results in the total score for each patient.

Scores ​​between five and seven were classified as satisfactory; a score of four was classified as regular and scores between one and three were classified as unsatisfactory. Percentages with the minimum and maximum values ​​for each domain were evaluated. For the qualitative analysis, the intervals between the minimum and maximum values ​​of each domain were stratified into three intervals (Table 1).

Table 1
Qualitative analysis with intervals of minimum and maximum values of each domain in three intervals.

The chi-square, Fisher exact, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests and Spearman's correlation coefficient were used for the statistical analysis.

All participants were informed on the study objectives, the questionnaire application form and disclosure of the data. All participants signed an informed consent form. The study was approved by the local Research Ethics Committee (FCM/UNICAMP, N. 447/2008).


The medical records of 77 patients submitted to IPAA for UC were assessed, of which 47 met the inclusion criteria. As 16 patients did not answer the request, the number of participants was 31, with a mean age of 46.4 (27-76) years old, of which 16 were females.

Postoperative time was greater than 10 years in 22 patients (71.0%); 23 (74.2%) were married and 19 (61.3%) were working at the time of the interview (Table 2).

Table 2
Sample characterization.

Postoperative morbidity and functional aspects

According to information provided by the patients, 83.9% of them had some type of postoperative complication and reoperation rate was 9.7%. Presence of ileostomy was 29.0%, pouchitis in 16.3% and 16.1% had intestinal obstruction. High frequency of bowel movements was reported by 16.1%, with the occurrence of nocturnal bowel movements in 12.9%; 54.8% had fecal incontinence and nocturnal incontinence was 6.5% (Table 3).

n % Complications Yes 26 83.9 No 5 16.1 Presence of ileostomy Yes 9 29.0 No 22 71.0 Intestinal obstruction Yes 5 16.1 No 26 83.9 High number of bowel movements Yes 5 16.1 No 26 83.9 Pouchitis Yes 5 16.1 No 26 83.9 Nocturnal bowel movement Yes 4 12.9 No 27 87.1 Nocturnal incontinence Yes 2 6.5 No 29 93.5 Reoperation Yes 3 9.7 No 28 90.3

Regarding postoperative results, 93.6% reported being satisfied with the surgery and 96.8% would recommend it to other patients (Table 4).

Table 4
Surgical outcome satisfaction.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ)

Intestinal Symptoms

Regarding the frequency of bowel movements, 42.0% of the patients reported it as satisfactory and 45.2% reported no episodes of fecal incontinence. The lowest score in this area was related to the frequency of bowel movements and the highest to the occurrence of rectal bleeding.

Systemic symptoms

The feeling of fatigue was reported by 74.2% of participants. The lowest score in this domain was related to problems related to sleep and difficulty in maintaining adequate weight.

Social aspects

No problem regarding school or work attendance caused by bowel disorders was reported by 58.1% of patients, whereas 64.5% said they were never late nor had to cancel a social engagement for the same reasons. The incapacity to play sports or perform pleasurable activities was reported by 59.1% of them.

The lowest score in this domain was associated with the fact that patients avoided going to places without toilets nearby and the highest with the need to cancel or postpone appointments due to bowel disorders.

Emotional aspects

With respect to personal satisfaction, 41.9% of respondents reported being extremely satisfied with the procedure. The lowest score in this domain was related to frustration, impatience and restlessness (32.3%) and the highest (57.7%) with the feelings of happiness and gratitude.

Overall analysis

The mean score for intestinal symptoms was 55.1 (46-70), 23.4 for systemic symptoms (8-35). The mean total score was 164.19 (73-224). Thus, it was qualitatively observed that QoL was regular in all evaluated areas (Table 5).

Table 5
IBDQ score.

The comparison of scores by gender and type of pouch showed no difference (p = 0.984, p = 0.742).

Individuals that had a professional activity showed higher scores in the physical symptom and social activities domains and had a higher total score when compared to individuals who did not work (p = 0.011, p = 0.007, p = 0.022) (Table 6).

Table 6
Quality of life and professional activity.

Results showed a significant worsening in QoL in patients with ileostomy in the systemic (p = 0.021), social (p = 0.010) and emotional (p = 0.003) domains and in the total score (p = 0.013) (Table 7).

Table 7
Quality of life and permanence of ileostomy.

In the social domain, there was a correlation between age and lower QoL scores (r = -0.366, p = 0.043). In other areas, there was a tendency to lower scores in elderly individuals.


IPAA is the most often indicated surgical treatment for UC, but it has high morbidity, which makes the surgical indication difficult.( 33. Neumann PA, Mennigen RB, Senninger N, Bruewer M, Rijcken E. Timing of restorative proctocolectomy in patients with medically refractory ulcerative colitis: the patient's point of view. Dis Colon Rectum.,2012; 55:756-61. ),( 44. van Balkom KA, Beld MP, Visschers RG, van Gemert WG, Breuking SO. Long-term results after restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis at a yong age. Dis Colon Rectum, 2012; 55(9):939-47. ),( 55. Jota G, Karadzov Z, Panovski M, Joksimovic N, Kartalov A, Gelevski R, et al. Functional outcome and quality of life after restorative proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. Prilozi. 2011;32(2):221-30. ),( 66. Bennis M, Tiret E. Surgical management of ulcerative colitis. Langenbeecks Arch Surg. 2012, 397:11-17. ),( 77. Mennigen R, Senninger N, Bruewer M, Rijcken E. Pouch function and quality of life after successful management of pouch-related septic complications in patients with ulcerative colitis. Langenbeeks Arch Surg. 2012; 397:37-44. ),( 88. Bengtsson J, Lindholm E, Nordgren S, Berndtsson I, Oresland T, Börjesson L. Sexual function after failed ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. J Crohns Colitis. 2011; 5: 407-14. )

Achieving the cure is not the objective in patients with chronic diseases, and therapeutic care aims at clinical remission and improved quality of life. The use of validated tools to assess QoL may contribute to therapeutic decision-making, particularly surgery. These tools are useful to identify different aspects related to the disease and the impact of therapy on routine activities. In Brazil, the IBDQ questionnaire has been validated for use in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The analysis of the postoperative quality of life becomes important, although it can be difficult, as it assesses several aspects from the patient's viewpoint.

In the present study, it is noteworthy the fact that the permanence of ileostomy negatively influenced QoL. Similar results were observed by Leoward et al.( 99. Leowardi C, Hinz U, Tariverdian M, Kienle P, Herfarth C, Ulrich A, et al. Long-term outcome 10 years or more after restorative proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis in patients with ulcerative colitis. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2010; 395:49-56. ) As postoperative complications lead to permanent intestinal diversion in a significant numbers of patients, they should be advised at the time of surgical indication about how the ileostomy may have an impact on their daily activities. Thus, surgeons and patients must take this possibility into account when an important decision such as surgical treatment and creation of an IPAA is made.

In this sample, the qualitative analysis of IBDQ scores showed regular QoL in all assessed domains. A similar analysis1010. Meyer ALM, Teixeira MG, Almeida MG, Kiss DR, Nahas SC, Cecconello I. Quality of life in the late follow-up of ulcerative colitis patients submitted to restorative proctocolectomy with sphincter preservation over ten years ago. Clinics (São Paulo) 2009; 64: 877-883. with the same tool found that 38.9% of the patients had QoL classified as regular or poor. A systematic review by Heinkes et al.( 1111. Heikens JT, Vries J, van Laarhoven CJHM. Quality of Life, health-related quality of life and health status in patients having restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis: a systematic review. Colorectal Dis. 2012;14:536-44. ) comprising 33 articles demonstrated that QoL after IPAA for UC was classified as regular in 23, poor in seven and high in three.

The present study identified a tendency towards reduced QoL in the elderly, as did the work by Meyer et al.1010. Meyer ALM, Teixeira MG, Almeida MG, Kiss DR, Nahas SC, Cecconello I. Quality of life in the late follow-up of ulcerative colitis patients submitted to restorative proctocolectomy with sphincter preservation over ten years ago. Clinics (São Paulo) 2009; 64: 877-883. Perhaps this fact is related to the occurrence of disorders such as fecal incontinence, more frequent in this age group, as well as the situation of the elderly in our country, who are not prepared for the aging process.

Professional activity was associated with higher scores on the physical and social domains. The data is comparable to the study by Leoward et al.,( 99. Leowardi C, Hinz U, Tariverdian M, Kienle P, Herfarth C, Ulrich A, et al. Long-term outcome 10 years or more after restorative proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis in patients with ulcerative colitis. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2010; 395:49-56. ) who demonstrated a significantly lower QoL in individuals without professional activity. These authors considered that the possibility of performing professional activities becomes an important aspect to be considered in patients with chronic diseases and that they should be encouraged to return to work.

In our culture, the professional activity has a central and important role, related to personal identity, self-esteem and well-being. As UC primarily affects young individuals, in its severe forms the prospect of returning to work after a surgical procedure may be encouraging. However IPAA is associated with complications and especially the increased number of bowel movements and fecal incontinence, which may hinder the return to work and also worsened QoL in this sample. Although this study did not aim to compare pre- and postoperative QoL, the occurrence of symptoms caused by the proctocolectomy may be acceptable in patients with severe UC.

The highest scores were associated with the possibility of not cancelling social engagements (74.20% - satisfied) and feelings of gratitude and happiness with life (57.7% - satisfied).

The question related to the procedure showed a high degree of satisfaction with the surgery, as well as the recommendation of the surgery to other patients in 96.8%. Similar results were reported by Wuthrich,( 1212. Wuthrich P, Gervaz P, Ambrosetti P, Soravia C, Morel P. Functional outcome and quality of life after restorative proctocolectomy and ileo-anal pouch anastomosis. Swiss Med WKLY. 2009; 139: 193-197. ) with 70% satisfaction with the surgery, and Meyer et al.( 1010. Meyer ALM, Teixeira MG, Almeida MG, Kiss DR, Nahas SC, Cecconello I. Quality of life in the late follow-up of ulcerative colitis patients submitted to restorative proctocolectomy with sphincter preservation over ten years ago. Clinics (São Paulo) 2009; 64: 877-883. ) with 85%. In a study that analyzed the results from the patients' viewpoint, Neumann et al.( 33. Neumann PA, Mennigen RB, Senninger N, Bruewer M, Rijcken E. Timing of restorative proctocolectomy in patients with medically refractory ulcerative colitis: the patient's point of view. Dis Colon Rectum.,2012; 55:756-61. ) observed that 53% of patients felt that the surgery should have been performed earlier, especially due to the postoperative clinical improvement.

This study showed a discrepancy between the above-mentioned data and those obtained by the IBDQ. Discomfort was observed in some patients when filling out the item "satisfied with the surgery". Some patients said they would indicate the surgery, but at the right time or that they were pleased because it did not get any worse, but they would rather take the medications than undergo surgery. Thus, comparative studies about the pre and postoperative manifestations can bring additional information to facilitate understanding regarding the current state, i.e., the postoperative effects in contrast to the symptoms and the condition of being sick.

The present study provides objective data on the influence of IPAA on QoL in patients with UC, and the surgeon as well as the patient can assess the expected results with greater confidence and, if necessary, change the therapeutic indication, either by maintaining the clinical treatment or indicating IPAA or another surgical procedure. The doctor-patient relationship has great influence on treatment success as well as the reassurance transmitted to patients based on real data and understandable information including the description of the most common outcomes.

Considering that, IPAA is still the most common surgical procedure for UC, indicated for clinical intractability or complications, one must consider that it exposes patients to a state of anxiety about the pre- and postoperative periods. The attending physician must clarify to the patient, in addition to all the benefits, aspects related to the presence of ileostomy and body image, functional aspects that can interfere with the functional and professional routine.

Preoperative data are usually provided by the surgeon, but do not necessarily offer complete information. Perhaps the development of a guiding protocol for complex procedures such as IPAA, developed in conjunction with doctors and applied by a psychologist before and after surgery could minimize the contradictions regarding personal expectations, unknown aspects and outcomes, facilitating the acceptance of the post-operative status with better QoL.

The use of the IBDQ showed that patients with IPAA for ulcerative rectocolitis had QoL classified as regular in all assessed domains. The presence of ileostomy permanence and professional inactivity negatively influenced QoL.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


  • 1
    Parks AG & Nicholls RJ, Proctocolectomy without ileostomy for ulcerative colitis. Br Med J, 1978; 2:85-8.
  • 2
    Góes JNR. Preservação da Arcada Vascular Marginal do Cólon Direito como via suplementar de irrigação sanguínea ao reservatório ileal em posição pélvica; estudos de dissecção em cadáveres e de observação clínica. Tese de livre docência. FCM- UNICAMP. 2001.
  • 3
    Neumann PA, Mennigen RB, Senninger N, Bruewer M, Rijcken E. Timing of restorative proctocolectomy in patients with medically refractory ulcerative colitis: the patient's point of view. Dis Colon Rectum.,2012; 55:756-61.
  • 4
    van Balkom KA, Beld MP, Visschers RG, van Gemert WG, Breuking SO. Long-term results after restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis at a yong age. Dis Colon Rectum, 2012; 55(9):939-47.
  • 5
    Jota G, Karadzov Z, Panovski M, Joksimovic N, Kartalov A, Gelevski R, et al. Functional outcome and quality of life after restorative proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. Prilozi. 2011;32(2):221-30.
  • 6
    Bennis M, Tiret E. Surgical management of ulcerative colitis. Langenbeecks Arch Surg. 2012, 397:11-17.
  • 7
    Mennigen R, Senninger N, Bruewer M, Rijcken E. Pouch function and quality of life after successful management of pouch-related septic complications in patients with ulcerative colitis. Langenbeeks Arch Surg. 2012; 397:37-44.
  • 8
    Bengtsson J, Lindholm E, Nordgren S, Berndtsson I, Oresland T, Börjesson L. Sexual function after failed ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. J Crohns Colitis. 2011; 5: 407-14.
  • 9
    Leowardi C, Hinz U, Tariverdian M, Kienle P, Herfarth C, Ulrich A, et al. Long-term outcome 10 years or more after restorative proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis in patients with ulcerative colitis. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2010; 395:49-56.
  • 10
    Meyer ALM, Teixeira MG, Almeida MG, Kiss DR, Nahas SC, Cecconello I. Quality of life in the late follow-up of ulcerative colitis patients submitted to restorative proctocolectomy with sphincter preservation over ten years ago. Clinics (São Paulo) 2009; 64: 877-883.
  • 11
    Heikens JT, Vries J, van Laarhoven CJHM. Quality of Life, health-related quality of life and health status in patients having restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis: a systematic review. Colorectal Dis. 2012;14:536-44.
  • 12
    Wuthrich P, Gervaz P, Ambrosetti P, Soravia C, Morel P. Functional outcome and quality of life after restorative proctocolectomy and ileo-anal pouch anastomosis. Swiss Med WKLY. 2009; 139: 193-197.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Sept 2013


  • Received
    20 May 2013
  • Accepted
    13 June 2013
Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia Av. Marechal Câmara, 160/916, 20020-080, Tel.: (55 21) 2240-8927 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil