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Internal hernia through mesocolon defect after left laparoscopic colectomy From Colorectal Division of Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP).

Hérnia interna pelo defeito mesocólico após colectomia esquerda laparoscópica



The development of internal hernias due to the mesocolon defect after laparoscopic colectomy is a rare complication with only 39 cases described. There are controversies whether the closure of the defect of the mesocolon after resection of the colon could prevent the development of this complication.


To describe a case of intestinal obstruction due to internal hernia through the mesocolon defect after laparoscopic rectosigmoidectomy and to perform a literature review.

Case report:

A 59-year-old woman was hospitalized for laparoscopic rectosigmoidectomy due to an adenocarcinoma located in the rectosigmoid junction. She underwent a rectosigmoidectomy by laparoscopy, with an extracorporeal mechanical anastomosis, without closure of the mesocolon defect. In the fifth postoperative day the patient presented an intestinal obstruction due to an internal hernia through the mesocolon defect confirmed by computerized tomography. During the exploratory laparotomy approximately 120 cm jejunum was identified through the mesocolon defect. The reduction of herniated small bowel was done without the need of intestinal resection. The mesocolon defect was corrected by continuous suture. After the reoperation, the patient presented a favorable recovery being discharged on the fifth day.


Intestinal obstruction due to internal hernia after laparoscopic rectosigmoidectomy is a rare postoperative complication that can be avoided by the adequate closure of the mesocolon defect.

Hernia/complications; Intestinal obstruction; Laparoscopy; Mesocolon; Colonic neoplasm

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