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Subcutaneous Granular Cell Tumor of the Buttock: An Unusual Case and Brief Literature Review


Granular cell tumors are rare soft tissue tumors with neural origin that present malignant potential. Perianal granular cell tumors with only subcutaneous involvement are uncommonly presented in the literature. Herein, we present the case of a 49-year-old female patient with perianal granular cell tumor of the buttock. The patient underwent successful surgical resection and remains under close postoperative follow-up. There is no standard diagnostic algorithm for these tumors, and imaging provides little benefit. Histopathology and immunohistochemical staining are necessary for the accurate diagnosis of granular cell tumors.

granular cell tumor; oncology; colon and rectal surgery


Granular cell tumors (GCTs) are benign slow-growing soft tissue tumors of neural crest cell origin, with ~ 1% to 2% of cases reported as malignant.11 Yang G-Z, Li J. Granular Cell Tumor of the Neurohypophysis With TFE-3 Expression: A Rare Case Report. Int J Surg Pathol 2017;25 (08):751–754 Most GCTs are benign and present excellent outcomes after surgical resection, while malignant GCTs are aggressive and have a poor prognosis, with a high rate of metastasis and recurrence.22 Ma J, Cheng Y, Li X, Liu W, Liu R, Liu C. Rare case of granular cell tumor of perianal region: a case report and literature review. J Int Med Res 2021;49(01):300060520982689 These tumors are thought to be derived from neural crest cells, specifically Schwann cells. This hypothesis is based primarily on the similarities to between GCTs and schwannomas in regard to their immunohistochemical profile for biomarkers of neural crest cell and neuroectodermal origin, including GAP43, S100, NSE, and SOX10.33 Sunkara T, Nagaraj VS, Gaduputi V. Granular Cell Tumor of Rectum: A Very Rare Entity, Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine, vol. 2017, Article ID 3795482, 3 pages, 2017 Granular cell tumors are more prevalent among women when compared with men (in a proportion of 3:1), and they typically occur between the second and sixth decades of life.44 Sohn D-K, Choi H-S, Chang Y-S, et al. Granular cell tumor of colon: report of a case and review of literature. World J Gastroenterol 2004;10(16):2452–2454,55 Olivier L, Naraynsingh V, Hassranah D, Cassim C. Abrikossoff Tumor Clinically Mimicking Carcinoma in Accessory Axillary Breast Tissue. Cureus 2022;14(01):e21733 These tumors most commonly arises in the skin, subcutaneous and soft tissues, the oral cavity, and the gastrointestinal tract.55 Olivier L, Naraynsingh V, Hassranah D, Cassim C. Abrikossoff Tumor Clinically Mimicking Carcinoma in Accessory Axillary Breast Tissue. Cureus 2022;14(01):e21733 The most common locations of occurrence are the head and neck (70%), with ~ 10% arising in the gastrointestinal tract.44 Sohn D-K, Choi H-S, Chang Y-S, et al. Granular cell tumor of colon: report of a case and review of literature. World J Gastroenterol 2004;10(16):2452–245466 Kahng DH, Kim GH, Park DY, et al. Endoscopic resection of granular cell tumors in the gastrointestinal tract: a single center experience. Surg Endosc 2013;27(09):3228–3236 The esophagus is the most common location within the gastrointestinal tract, while the rectum is the least affected.11 Yang G-Z, Li J. Granular Cell Tumor of the Neurohypophysis With TFE-3 Expression: A Rare Case Report. Int J Surg Pathol 2017;25 (08):751–754 Literature about perianal GCTs localized to the subcutaneous tissue is sparse, with relatively no reported cases arising from the gluteal/buttock region. Herein, we report a rare case of a benign GCT of the left buttock in a healthy 41-year-old female patient.

Case Presentation

A 41-year-old female patient with a medical history of gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) presented to the colorectal surgical clinic complaining of a pruritic, uncomfortable left buttock lesion that had been present for 8 years. Other than localized discomfort, the patient denied blood per rectum, weight loss, skin ulceration/bleeding to her buttock, or any personal/family history of colon cancer/inflammatory bowel disease. The physical examination revealed a firm left buttock lesion measuring 2 cm x 2 cm, without skin changes or drainage. Evaluation via digital rectal exam and anoscopy confirmed no fistulous tracts or synchronous lesions in the anus. Due to the progression of her symptoms, the decision was to proceed with surgical treatment.

A soft tissue mass measuring 4 cm x 2 cm was excised from the left buttock without any complications. The surgical pathology review of the excised mass reported the skin excision to be a GCT spanning ~ 2.5 cm and involving the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, extending to one peripheral margin. Histological review of the tissue demonstrated an ill-defined tumor composed of nests and trabeculae of large polygonal cells with abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. Increased cellularity, prominent cellular spindling, high nuclear-to-cytoplasmatic (N/C) ratio, increased mitotic figures, and necrosis were not observed. The tumor was found to be positive for S100 and CD68. The morphology and immunoprofile supported the diagnosis of GCT.

The patient was subsequently discharged home on postoperative day one. She was seen in the clinic at her two-week postoperative evaluation. The patient reported her pruritus and buttock discomfort had resolved, and her incision had healed well, without any signs of dehiscence or infection.


The first cases of GCT were described as early as 1854, with reports of diagnosis within the tongue; they were further investigated in 1926 and described as a "myoblastoma" of the tongue.55 Olivier L, Naraynsingh V, Hassranah D, Cassim C. Abrikossoff Tumor Clinically Mimicking Carcinoma in Accessory Axillary Breast Tissue. Cureus 2022;14(01):e21733 This soft-tissue lesion is an overall uncommon tumor that is typically identified at a single location; however, there are reports of multiple tumors in different areas of the body.66 Kahng DH, Kim GH, Park DY, et al. Endoscopic resection of granular cell tumors in the gastrointestinal tract: a single center experience. Surg Endosc 2013;27(09):3228–3236 The oral cavity and tongue remain the most reported sites of GCT occurrence, followed by the skin and subcutaneous tissue. There is sparse information available for GCT of the perianal region.22 Ma J, Cheng Y, Li X, Liu W, Liu R, Liu C. Rare case of granular cell tumor of perianal region: a case report and literature review. J Int Med Res 2021;49(01):300060520982689 Less than 100 cases of perianal GCTs have been reported since 1945. While there is a higher prevalence of GCT in women, there has not been a significant difference in gender regarding perianal GCT. Patients diagnosed with GCT in the perianal region were commonly diagnosed in the second or fifth decades of life, with no significant difference in the incidence of age among male and female patients.77 Yuan J, Han Z, Wang Z, Wang M, Zhan S. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of perianal granular cell tumor: A case report and literature review. Radiol Case Rep 2019;14(08):1047–1051 Perianal GCT is derived from neural tissue characterized by Schwann cell origin with immunohistochemical staining positive for S100.22 Ma J, Cheng Y, Li X, Liu W, Liu R, Liu C. Rare case of granular cell tumor of perianal region: a case report and literature review. J Int Med Res 2021;49(01):300060520982689,88 Solomon LW, Velez I. S-100 Negative granular cell tumor of the oral cavity. Head Neck Pathol 2016;10(03):367–373 In the patient herein described, the tumor was located on the left buttock without direct involvement of the skin, which was considered a rare location for GCTs.

Perianal GCTs of the subcutaneous tissue are largely asymptomatic; however, these tumors can present with localized discomfort and bleeding. Preoperative workup and diagnosis may be challenging, with a broad differential for skin and soft tissue masses including slow growing lipoma, superficial hemangioma, fibroma, leiomyoma, sebaceous cyst, or superficial myxoma.88 Solomon LW, Velez I. S-100 Negative granular cell tumor of the oral cavity. Head Neck Pathol 2016;10(03):367–373 The gold standard for diagnosis remains immunohistochemical staining and histopathology.22 Ma J, Cheng Y, Li X, Liu W, Liu R, Liu C. Rare case of granular cell tumor of perianal region: a case report and literature review. J Int Med Res 2021;49(01):300060520982689,88 Solomon LW, Velez I. S-100 Negative granular cell tumor of the oral cavity. Head Neck Pathol 2016;10(03):367–373,99 Cui Y, Tong SS, Zhang YH, Li HT. Granular cell tumor: A report of three cases and review of literature. Cancer Biomark 2018;23 (02):173–178 Immunohistochemical staining for GCT has routinely expressed neuron-specific enolase (NSE), S100, as well as CD57, a marker of natural killer cell maturation.88 Solomon LW, Velez I. S-100 Negative granular cell tumor of the oral cavity. Head Neck Pathol 2016;10(03):367–373 Interestingly, individuals with congenital GCT had negative histochemical testing for S100.22 Ma J, Cheng Y, Li X, Liu W, Liu R, Liu C. Rare case of granular cell tumor of perianal region: a case report and literature review. J Int Med Res 2021;49(01):300060520982689,99 Cui Y, Tong SS, Zhang YH, Li HT. Granular cell tumor: A report of three cases and review of literature. Cancer Biomark 2018;23 (02):173–178 These tumors have been found to show positivity for vimentin, a major intermediate filament within non-muscle cells, as well as CD68, a macrophage marker responsible for cytoplasmic lysosomal aggregation.88 Solomon LW, Velez I. S-100 Negative granular cell tumor of the oral cavity. Head Neck Pathol 2016;10(03):367–373 The hypothesis that GCT signifies a non-specific degenerative progression of mesenchymal origin via self-phagocytosis has been raised.22 Ma J, Cheng Y, Li X, Liu W, Liu R, Liu C. Rare case of granular cell tumor of perianal region: a case report and literature review. J Int Med Res 2021;49(01):300060520982689 As with the case herein reported, the histopathology demonstrated positive immunostaining for S100 and CD68, while negative for AE1/AE3, markers for high molecular weight cytokeratins which exclude an epidermal source. Fig. 1 (A-D) demonstrates multiple cross-sectional images of different immunohistochemical stains. The cytoplasm of our specimen exhibited large polygonal cells with abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm, consistent with findings in GCT. Vimentin and NSE were not tested in this particular case.

Fig. 1
Different immunohistochemical stains on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of a perianal granular cell tumor (GCT). (A) Immunohistochemical staining in a GCT that is S100 + . (B) Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. (C) H&E staining demonstrating fibrous and cellular spindling appearance. (D) CD68+ staining. (E) Axial view of T2-weighted MRI of the pelvis demonstrating perianal GCT (blue arrow). (F) Coronal view of T1-weighted MRI showing perianal GCT (red arrow).

Most GCTs present as benign, with less than 2% diagnosed as malignant.1010 Fanburg-Smith JC, Meis-Kindblom JM, Fante R, Kindblom LG. Malignant granular cell tumor of soft tissue: diagnostic criteria and clinicopathologic correlation. Am J Surg Pathol 1998;22(07): 779–794 Benign and malignant tumors may share similar histopathology, making definitive diagnosis difficult. Malignant GCTs have previously been divided into two groups. The benign type (type 1) is clinically malignant with benign histopathology. The malignant type (type 2) presents histologically malignant features.22 Ma J, Cheng Y, Li X, Liu W, Liu R, Liu C. Rare case of granular cell tumor of perianal region: a case report and literature review. J Int Med Res 2021;49(01):300060520982689,1010 Fanburg-Smith JC, Meis-Kindblom JM, Fante R, Kindblom LG. Malignant granular cell tumor of soft tissue: diagnostic criteria and clinicopathologic correlation. Am J Surg Pathol 1998;22(07): 779–794,1111 Gamboa LG. Malignant granular-cell myoblastoma. AMA Arch Pathol 1955;60(06):663–668 In the present study, 6 histologic criteria were assessed: necrosis, spindling, vesicular nuclei with large nucleoli, increased mitotic activity (> 2 mitoses/10 high-power fields at 200x magnification), N/C ratio, and pleomorphism.1010 Fanburg-Smith JC, Meis-Kindblom JM, Fante R, Kindblom LG. Malignant granular cell tumor of soft tissue: diagnostic criteria and clinicopathologic correlation. Am J Surg Pathol 1998;22(07): 779–794 However, there is no consensus regarding a histological algorithm for diagnosis. Malignant GCT is associated with faster tumor growth, a diameter > 4 cm, cell necrosis, spindle-shaped tumor cells, cellular atypia, active mitosis (more than 2/10 high-power fields at 20x magnification), high N/C ratio, local recurrence, and high p53 and Ki-67 expression.22 Ma J, Cheng Y, Li X, Liu W, Liu R, Liu C. Rare case of granular cell tumor of perianal region: a case report and literature review. J Int Med Res 2021;49(01):300060520982689 In the patient herein described, we did not observe increased cellularity, prominent cellular spindling, high N/C ratio, increased mitotic figures, or necrosis. While there are no radiologic results specific to GCTs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the best imaging modality to differentiate between benign and malignant lesions. Within the muscle, benign GCTs will appear brighter than muscle on T1-weighted imaging.1212 Porta N, Mazzitelli R, Cacciotti J, et al. A case report of a rare intramuscular granular cell tumor. Diagn Pathol 2015; 10:162 On T2-weighted sequences, the center of the lesion is isointense to muscle with peripheral enhancement. Fig. 1 (E-F) shows T1- and T2-weighted images of GCTs in the perianal region.1212 Porta N, Mazzitelli R, Cacciotti J, et al. A case report of a rare intramuscular granular cell tumor. Diagn Pathol 2015; 10:162

The treatment for GCTs, whether benign or malignant, is wide surgical excision with negative margins and close postoperative follow-up.1313 Aoyama K, Kamio T, Hirano A, Seshimo A, Kameoka S. Granular cell tumors: a report of six cases. World J Surg Oncol 2012;10:204 Sentinel lymph node biopsy is only recommended for clinically suspicious lesions or when histology is concerning for malignancy.1313 Aoyama K, Kamio T, Hirano A, Seshimo A, Kameoka S. Granular cell tumors: a report of six cases. World J Surg Oncol 2012;10:204 The risk of recurrence with negative margins is rare with benign GCTs, with a rate ranging from 2% to 8%, but it increases to > 50% with an R1 resection.1313 Aoyama K, Kamio T, Hirano A, Seshimo A, Kameoka S. Granular cell tumors: a report of six cases. World J Surg Oncol 2012;10:204,1414 Chilukuri S, Peterson SR, Goldberg LH. Granular cell tumor of the heel treated with Mohs technique. Dermatol Surg 2004;30(07): 1046–1049 Malignant GCTs present a significantly higher risk of recurrence, of nearly 41%, even with an R0 resection. The risk of metastasis increases to ~ 60% 3 years after the diagnosis. The role of chemoradiation in GCTs is limited. Currently, there is no standard chemotherapy regimen, and adjuvant radiation has been controversial and ill-defined, with no substantial survival benefit.1414 Chilukuri S, Peterson SR, Goldberg LH. Granular cell tumor of the heel treated with Mohs technique. Dermatol Surg 2004;30(07): 1046–1049,1515 Marchand Crety C, Garbar C, Madelis G, et al. Adjuvant radiation therapy for malignant Abrikossoff's tumor: a case report about a femoral triangle localisation. Radiat Oncol 2018;13(01):115

A GCT located in the subcutaneous tissue of the buttock is an infrequent diagnosis, with an overall low risk of malignant conversion. However, a complete workup should always be conducted with histopathological evaluation for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Due to the high recurrence rate of malignant GCTs and with incomplete surgical excision, close follow-up is strongly recommended.


  • 1
    Yang G-Z, Li J. Granular Cell Tumor of the Neurohypophysis With TFE-3 Expression: A Rare Case Report. Int J Surg Pathol 2017;25 (08):751–754
  • 2
    Ma J, Cheng Y, Li X, Liu W, Liu R, Liu C. Rare case of granular cell tumor of perianal region: a case report and literature review. J Int Med Res 2021;49(01):300060520982689
  • 3
    Sunkara T, Nagaraj VS, Gaduputi V. Granular Cell Tumor of Rectum: A Very Rare Entity, Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine, vol. 2017, Article ID 3795482, 3 pages, 2017
  • 4
    Sohn D-K, Choi H-S, Chang Y-S, et al. Granular cell tumor of colon: report of a case and review of literature. World J Gastroenterol 2004;10(16):2452–2454
  • 5
    Olivier L, Naraynsingh V, Hassranah D, Cassim C. Abrikossoff Tumor Clinically Mimicking Carcinoma in Accessory Axillary Breast Tissue. Cureus 2022;14(01):e21733
  • 6
    Kahng DH, Kim GH, Park DY, et al. Endoscopic resection of granular cell tumors in the gastrointestinal tract: a single center experience. Surg Endosc 2013;27(09):3228–3236
  • 7
    Yuan J, Han Z, Wang Z, Wang M, Zhan S. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of perianal granular cell tumor: A case report and literature review. Radiol Case Rep 2019;14(08):1047–1051
  • 8
    Solomon LW, Velez I. S-100 Negative granular cell tumor of the oral cavity. Head Neck Pathol 2016;10(03):367–373
  • 9
    Cui Y, Tong SS, Zhang YH, Li HT. Granular cell tumor: A report of three cases and review of literature. Cancer Biomark 2018;23 (02):173–178
  • 10
    Fanburg-Smith JC, Meis-Kindblom JM, Fante R, Kindblom LG. Malignant granular cell tumor of soft tissue: diagnostic criteria and clinicopathologic correlation. Am J Surg Pathol 1998;22(07): 779–794
  • 11
    Gamboa LG. Malignant granular-cell myoblastoma. AMA Arch Pathol 1955;60(06):663–668
  • 12
    Porta N, Mazzitelli R, Cacciotti J, et al. A case report of a rare intramuscular granular cell tumor. Diagn Pathol 2015; 10:162
  • 13
    Aoyama K, Kamio T, Hirano A, Seshimo A, Kameoka S. Granular cell tumors: a report of six cases. World J Surg Oncol 2012;10:204
  • 14
    Chilukuri S, Peterson SR, Goldberg LH. Granular cell tumor of the heel treated with Mohs technique. Dermatol Surg 2004;30(07): 1046–1049
  • 15
    Marchand Crety C, Garbar C, Madelis G, et al. Adjuvant radiation therapy for malignant Abrikossoff's tumor: a case report about a femoral triangle localisation. Radiat Oncol 2018;13(01):115

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    27 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    28 Jan 2024
  • Accepted
    09 Apr 2024
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