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What is the value of proctography for diagnostic of outlet obstruction?

The diagnosis of constipation is complicated due to the multiplicity and complexity of the causes. Regarding diagnostic tests, proctography is the best choice because it provides information on functions and visualization of abnormalities. Objective: To measure the isolated value of proctography in patients with obstructed defecation. Method: We evaluated 40 constipated patients at the Coloproctology Clinic of Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo. The test was performed by introducing 120 mL of barium contrast in the rectum and by analyzing the different stages of evacuation. Three x-rays were performed in the lateral position: rest, anal contraction and evacuation. Results: The diagnoses were: rectocele: 2 (5.0%); anismus: 8 (20.0%); perineal descent: 13 (32.5%); sigmoidocele: 6 (15.0%); internal invagination: 10 (25.0%); rectocele + sigmoidocele 9 (22.5%); rectocele + internal invagination 11 (27.5%); rectocele + anismus: 18 (45.0%). Several patients presented multiple disorders. Conclusion: Constipation by obstructed defecation depends on multiple factors and it is important to have an accurate diagnosis. Proctography is essential, but insufficient as a single procedure. The other tests contribute with the diagnosis, therefore, they should be included in the investigation.

constipation; defecation; defecography

Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia Av. Marechal Câmara, 160/916, 20020-080, Tel.: (55 21) 2240-8927 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil