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VI National Week of Epilepsy Awareness in Campinas

Epilepsy is a common neurological condition; however, it is still very frequent to observe myths and inadequate behaviors regarding epilepsy in our society. The National Demonstration Project "Epilepsy out of the shadows" brought important changes in our society through a national movement of epilepsy carried out by lay associations. The National Week of Epilepsy, on the September 9th is one the major national movements with purpose to promote epilepsy awareness within our society about epilepsy. ASPE, a non-governmental organization, participates actively in the movement since its origin in 2003. We believe that the results contribute to reinforce the national movement to bring epilepsy out of the shadows, diminishing the associated stigma and improving the quality of life of people with epilepsy and their families.

Epilepsy; national week of epilepsy; epilepsy' associations; stigma; quality of life

Liga Brasileira de Epilepsia (LBE) Av. Montenegro, 186 sala 505 - Petrópolis, 90460-160 Porto Alegre - RS, Tel. Fax.: +55 51 3331 0161 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil