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Focal cortical dysplasia, aspects of neurophysiologic, imaginological and histological

INTRODUCTION: Focal cortical dysplasia is one of the most common ways of malformation of the cortical development where they are intimate related among hard control epilepsy on children and adults. It's characterized by peculiar histological, imaginological and electrophysiological amendment. PURPOSE: To make a succinct review of the main aspects of imaginological, histological and neurophysiologic focal cortical dysplasias. METHOD: Bibliographic review. CONCLUSION: The focal cortical dysplasias have peculiar clinical features. The prevalence of refractory epilepsy among focal cortical dysplasia patients is highly elevated. The skull magnetic resonance image (MRI) presents specific amendments to the disease that could be normal in many cases and correlates with histological results. Continuous discharges and high frequency paroxistic bursts are highly pointed as epilepsy due the Focal cortical dysplasia.

Epilepsy; focal cortical dysplasia; magnetic resonance image; eletroencephalogram; eletrocorticography

Liga Brasileira de Epilepsia (LBE) Av. Montenegro, 186 sala 505 - Petrópolis, 90460-160 Porto Alegre - RS, Tel. Fax.: +55 51 3331 0161 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil