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Analysis of electronic commerce in Portugal: business practice or commercial fiction?

This paper presents the results of a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the performance of midsize and large Portuguese enterprises on the internet. Special attention is given to the e-commerce oriented to the end-user. An assessment tool was specially developed for this evaluation. This assessment tool is based on legal regulations, codes of conduct and/or seals of quality, as well as a variety of other information sources related with the Internet, web sites and e-commerce. The company's web sites, were selected for this assessment through a random sampling technique, and were evaluated on 119 items.

Internet; electronic commerce; B2C; e-business

TECSI Laboratório de Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação - FEA/USP Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 FEA 3, 05508-900 - São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 2648 6389, +55 11 2648 6364 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil