The objective of this research was to show the first pieces of evidence on the validity of two scales for favoring the development of pedagogical contents in sports among children and youths (development of motor and strategic skills). To do so, their internal structures were estimated, their stabilities were tested, and their internal consistencies were assessed. A sample of 210 coaches and Physical Education teachers aged between 20 and 75 years old, both males and females, answered the scales referring to development of motor and tactical-strategic skills, whose structures were composed of three factors, with significant saturations (Satf > 0.40) and respectively explaining 70.19% and 74.29% of the total variance of the constructs. Results for model goodness-of-fit were overall satisfactory (χ2/gl < 1.567; AGFI = 1.000; RMSEA < 0.052; CFI > 0.995). Results concerning internal consistency analyses (0.736 < α < 0.908 for factors; αMS = 0.869; αTS = 0.921) ensure the accuracy of the measurements and the reliability of their use as to the purposes for which they are intended. The results meet the research general and specific objectives and indicate the possibility of a safe use of both scales.
Keywords: Validation study; Pedagogy; Children; Adolescents