The production of literature with intervention programs was analyzed, applied to team sports. The databases consulted on the subject, in the last 20 years, were the Web of Science, Scielo and PubMed. The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) guidelines were used with the keywords: team sports and team sports games, associated with the terms: teaching models, sports teaching, teaching-learning-training, pedagogical intervention, tactical-technical performance and cognitive processes, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. After screening with defined criteria, 39 manuscripts were selected to compose the sample. The descriptive analysis showed that the years 2016 and 2018 presented a higher number of publications (17.95% each year); the English language most used in publications (69.24%); football and basketball have comprised the highest number of studies (25.64% and 17.95%, respectively); the teaching programs spanned between 5 and 54 class sessions; the sample of studies with schoolchildren was the most chosen (64.1%); most teaching programs focused on tactics; and the main variables analyzed were tactical knowledge, tactical-technical performance and specific skills. In the production of literature analyzed, there was a tendency in the last 10 years to apply sports teaching programs with tactical approaches and also change and/or add content to these programs, in order to enhance the development of students/athletes. These changes leave open reflections on possible changes in teacher guidance in the praxis in teaching-learning of team sports.

Keywords: Team sports; Systematic review; Pedagogical intervention


Analisou-se a produção da literatura com programas de intervenção, aplicados aos esportes coletivos. As bases de dados consultadas quanto ao tema, nos últimos 20 anos, foram o Web of Science, Scielo e PubMed. Utilizou-se as diretrizes PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) com as palavras-chave: jogo coletivo e jogos esportivos coletivos, associados aos termos: modelos de ensino, ensino do esporte, ensino-aprendizagem-treinamento, intervenção pedagógica, desempenho tático-técnico e processos cognitivos, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Após triagem com critérios definidos, 39 manuscritos foram selecionados para compor a amostra. A análise descritiva apontou que os anos de 2016 e 2018 apresentou maior quantitativo de publicações (17,95% cada ano); a língua inglesa a mais utilizada nas publicações (69,24%); as modalidades futebol e basquetebol compreenderam o maior número de trabalhos (25,64% e 17,95%, respectivamente); os programas de ensino abrangeram entre 5 e 54 sessões de aula; a amostra dos estudos com escolares foi a mais eleita (64,1%); a maioria dos programas de ensino centrou-se na tática; e as principais variáveis analisadas foram conhecimentos táticos, desempenho tático-técnico e habilidades específicas. Na produção de literatura analisada observou-se uma tendência nos últimos 10 anos à aplicação de programas de ensino dos esportes com abordagens táticas e ainda alterar e/ou agregar conteúdos a esses modelos, com o intuito de potencializar o desenvolvimento de alunos/atletas. Essas mudanças deixam abertas as reflexões sobre possíveis alterações de orientação docente na práxis no ensino-aprendizagem dos esportes coletivos.

Palavras-chave: Esportes coletivos; Revisão sistemática; Intervenção pedagógica


Consultation with scientific production is the first step when planning scientific activities and studies that evaluate the bibliometric production on different subjects, so as to point out knowledge gaps and direct further studies.

Regarding the area of Sports Science, some studies have focused on carrying out a bibliometric survey on variables that involved the teaching-learning-training (TLT) of sports, such as small games1, decision-making2 and basketball passing3. Other studies have analyzed the scientific production with pedagogical intervention on a sport teaching model, such as Sport Education4, Teaching Games for Understanding5 and the combination of sports teaching models, named in the literature as hybrid models6. However, no systematic review studies were found with specific pedagogical intervention for team sports, regardless of the teaching model applied.

Currently, the concept of teaching model is used instead of method. This term is characterized by having a theoretical basis for learning that goes beyond teaching methods, strategies and styles, in addition to encompassing other concepts and being engaged to explain the ways of materializing the teaching-learning duality. This results in a global and integrated plan on what is taught and learned and, consequently, it provides the teachers with moments of coherent assessment, and more comprehensive information about the TLT7 process. Thus, the pedagogical interventions based on teaching models aim at improving the variables that will be stimulated during the teaching program through the structuring and distribution of activities and contents8.

Due to the variety of their components, team sports are important for the development of competences, capacities and skills of their practitioners. Since the end of last century, there has been a debate about the curricular design in sport teaching, and a shift from traditional teaching, centered on the teacher, to teaching conceptions that emphasize the development of an understanding on the game logic by the practitioners has been evidenced.

In recent years the pedagogical intervention research with team sports has directed its teaching to tactical models9),(10),(11. Particularly in Brazil, Rufino and Darido12 stated that the changes in the lines of research referring to sports in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s were related to the social importance given to this phenomenon, and pointed out that these changes lead the sport teaching to new meanings and implications in schools, clubs and training centers.

The paradigm shift and the complexity involved in teaching team sports demands attention from both, the scientific community and Physical Education teachers to select, plan and apply contents that aim at providing positive experiences for the consolidation of learning.

Therefore, in addition to broadening the analyses, this systematic review will allow the updating of scientific knowledge on pedagogical intervention with team sports. This will also help to understand the growth of production, and point out new knowledge gaps for further investigations, which shall contribute to scientific progress in the area. Thus, the present study aimed at systematically assessing the scientific production related to the application of pedagogical interventions with team sports, regardless of the teaching model applied.


Selection of manuscripts

A systematic review of the literature was performed according to PRISMA guidelines (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses)13. The electronic databases consulted included the Web of Science, Scielo and PubMed available for the last 20 years. These databases were selected based on their high number of studies with team sports. The search for studies took place between June, 2019, and June, 2020. The publications selected for the sample included studies that applied pedagogical intervention and used the teaching of team sports as content. The research strategies used in the databases embraced the combination of the following terms: ‘team sports’ and ‘sport team games’, associated with ‘teaching models and/or methods’, ‘sport teaching’, ‘teaching-learning-training’ (TLT), ‘pedagogical intervention’, ‘sport teaching program’, ‘tactical-technical performance’ and ‘cognitive processes’ by using the terms ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘not’, in three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish).

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

The following inclusion criteria were used for the selection of articles: (1) pedagogical intervention with team sports14; (2) pedagogical intervention with teaching models and/or methods; (3) studies published in one of the three languages mentioned above, and (4) research carried out in any context of TLT. The exclusion criteria included (1) duplicate publications; (2) opinion articles, books, chapters of books, conference studies, theses and dissertations; (3) texts not available in full; (4) manuscripts that did not achieve 50% of quality according to STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology).

Quality of manuscripts

The methodological quality of the manuscripts included in this systematic review was evaluated by using the STROBE statement (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology)15, which has a list of 22 items to check the links between the title of the article and its abstract (item 1), introduction (items 2 and 3), methods (items 4 to 12), results (items 13 to 17), discussion (items 18 to 21) and other relevant information (item 22). The results are shown in table 1.

Each article was classified based on the sum of points scored for all items (one point computed in each item for each criterion met). The result was divided by the total maximum of possible points (22 points). For example, if an article had 11 points, the value scored would be 0.5, that is, the cut-off point for accepting the article in the present study. The items of all articles were independently classified by each evaluator for further analysis of inter-rater reliability. Two researchers inserted in the sport field participated as evaluators, and were instructed on STROBE statement for further analysis of the articles. The Cohen’s Kappa Statistics revealed a value of 0.93 (90% CI: 0.90 - 0.96), which showed an excellent agreement among observers16.


Research, selection and inclusion of manuscripts

The initial search returned 11593 titles in the databases, which were exported to the reference manager software (EndNote X8®), with automatic elimination of duplicates. Out of the 707 manuscripts selected, according to the title and abstract, 567 were eliminated from the database. The full texts of the remaining 140 manuscripts were fully revised, and the other 101 ones were rejected due to non-compliance with the criteria established and mentioned in the methodology. At the end of the screening process, 39 articles received in-depth reading and analysis so as to comprise the systematic review sample (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Flowchart with the Systematic Review steps

Quality of the manuscripts

The quality index (QI) of each study identified in the review is shown in Figure 2. The minimum and maximum scores ranged from 14 to 19 points (16.69 ± 1.5). Out of the 39 studies, 11 were rated between 0.6 and 0.7; 15 of them between 0.71 and 0.80, and 13 studies between 0.81 and 0.9. Regarding the quality of the studies included in the sample, the mean and standard deviation of the analysis, according to STROBE criteria, was 0.77 (± 0.12).

Figure 2
Analysis of the articles according to STROBE Statement

Analysis of the manuscripts

The relevant information from the articles was evaluated and adapted according to systematic review studies in the area,1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6 in addition to considering the following: author(s), year and language of publication, sport modality, number of sessions applied, sample level (school, club, university, etc.), age group of the sample in the studies, teaching program (centered on tactics, technique or both), and variables assessed after applying the teaching programs.

The chronological analysis of the articles published until June, 2020, evidenced the growing development in this research area, with more than half of the studies published between 2016 and 2020 (61.54%). In the years of 2016 and 2018 there was a greater number of studies with pedagogical intervention for sport teaching (17.95% each year), followed by the year 2017 (15.39%) (Figure 3).

Figure 3
Quantification of the studies based on pedagogical intervention per year of publication

There was a preponderance of the English language in the publications (69.24%), followed by Portuguese and Spanish (23.07% and 7.69%, respectively). Regarding the team sports involved in the pedagogical interventions, out of the 39 articles, 10 (25.64%) were only related to football; 7 (17.95%) to basketball; 5 (12.82%) to handball; 4 (10.26%) to futsal; 3 (7.69%) to volleyball and other team sports, such as hockey and lacrosse. Seven studies that applied the pedagogical intervention by combining two or more sports (17.95%) (Figure 4) were considered.

Figure 4
Team sports as teaching content in the studies based on pedagogical intervention

A great number of classes and/or training sessions applied in the teaching programs was used and comprised between 5 and 54 sessions. Out of the 39 studies, 25 of them included schoolchildren as volunteers in the sample (64.1%); 12 were athletes (30.77%), and 2 studies carried out pedagogical intervention with university students (5.13%). The age group in the studies assessed ranged between 7 and 26 years of age (table 1).

Considering the teaching program applied, 19 studies were carried out with teaching focused only on tactics (48.72%), and only 1 study focused on technique (2.56%). The comparison of the teaching programs showed that 15 studies compared tactics-centered teaching with technique-centered teaching (38.46%), whereas 4 studies compared two tactics-centered teaching programs (10.26%).

Among the dependent variables analyzed in the studies, the items most evaluated by the researchers included Declarative Tactical Knowledge (DTK), Procedural Tactical Knowledge (PTK), tactical-technical performance, decision-making (DM), and specific skills for each team sport. It was also evidenced that psychological variables were considered after applying the pedagogical intervention, especially when the studies compared different teaching programs (centered on tactics x centered on technique).

Table 1
Identification and description of pedagogical intervention studies in team sports


Considering a period when bibliometric indicators are used with greater frequency and intensity for the assessment of individual, institutional and national performance53),(54, research on pedagogical intervention with team sports deserves a broad and systematic review, since it is a multidisciplinary field with growing scientific interest. The present study systematically included the analysis on knowledge production in the literature concerning the application of intervention programs in team sports, regardless of the teaching model.

The chronological analysis of the studies confirmed the growing scientific interest in understanding, in practice, the impact of pedagogical interventions in the teaching of sports on tactical, technical, psychological and physiological variables. Knowing the effects provided after a teaching program helps teachers/coaches in planning, organizing, conducting and controlling the teaching-learning-training process in sports26),(54, which makes it an essential component for the performance of these professionals.

Considering the language, the studies were published, there was a predominance of the English language, which is mandatory in most high-impact journals, in addition to being the hegemonic language in the scientific field in contemporary society. The findings described corroborate other review studies that have shown most publications in English1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6.

Football is considered the most popular sport worldwide. This is reflected in the interest of researchers in both, training and high performance, as seen in the results of the present research, whose papers assessed included football in the largest number of studies. In Brazil, this scenario is not different. A survey carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in partnership with the Ministry of Sport, on the Practice of Sport and Physical Activity, from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD), 2015, revealed that football represented 39.3% out of the 38.8 million practitioners of some sport in the country55. The other modalities mentioned by sports practitioners, such as volleyball, handball and basketball represented only 2.9% of the results. However, looking at the last two years of publications, table 1, one can see the interest of research in other sports, such as basketball, handball and futsal.

Regarding the number of sessions applied in the pedagogical interventions, it was found that over the years there was an increase in the number of sessions assessed in the teaching of team sports. In the systematic review of game-centered approaches, Miller8 identified that to obtain positive and significant results in the variables of decision-making and skill execution in a game situation, the intervention period must be longer than eight hours or 10 class sessions/training. This evidence corroborates the literature, which points out that the complexity involved in teaching team sports directly affects student/athlete learning, a fact that must be considered in long-term planning35 and in the form of evaluation, which must be adapted for the audience to be evaluated.

Concerning the sample, it was found that there was no standardization with regard to its classification in the studies assessed. Some researches referred to the sample according to age group; others to children, adolescents, adults, or even between beginners and professionals. Despite the variety of nomenclatures used, the subjects of intervention studies carried out in school Physical Education classes were considered as ‘schoolchildren’, an environment with the highest number of studies. This characteristic shows the attempt to bring the scientific field closer to formal educational practice with the purpose of improving knowledge to intervene in a productive way in the TLT process regarding team sports at school.

With the evolution of sports, there was a trend of the studies in applying interventions with teaching programs focused on tactical learning. Out of the 39 studies assessed, 19 (48.72%) used only a tactical teaching model in structuring the teaching program; 4 (10.26%) studies compared teaching models centered on tactics (for example, the study by Mesquita et al26); thus, it is a total of 23 studies (58.97%), as shown in table 1.

This fact may be related to the rupture of the idea of teaching the game in an analytical way, through the application of techniques in isolation, outside the game context. Teaching centered on tactical learning places the students at the center of the learning process and as the builders of their own experiences, with the aim of stimulating cognitive processes, such as perception and decision-making, supported by the process of understanding the game logic via game fun. Teaching programs for understanding, by directing learning in the context of the game, provide the student/athlete with opportunities to solve tactical problems, and challenge the understanding of the tactical logic inherent to the situations. Thus, pedagogical teaching interventions centered on tactics emphasize cognitive learning combined with motor performance56),(57),(58.

However, until the last decade, in Brazil, investigations found that the TLT process of team sports showed a predominance for applying traditional models, which relegates the development of tactical skill to a second moment, and aims to teach the execution of the motor gesture outside the game context. This was shown in the studies by Morales and Greco18 in basketball, Pinho et al.20 in handball, Lima et al.25 in volleyball, and Moreira et al.7 in futsal. Such studies also aimed at comparing teaching models. In recent years, research has been concerned with showing the advantages of each model in order to see how each model can help in the development of the student/athlete, but the comparison between them is increasingly less carried out.

Regarding the variables assessed, the most recent studies point to a tendency to analyze the tactical-technical variables based on a sport teaching model (table 1), which aims at investigating how much it can contribute to the improvement of skills, abilities and competences of students/athletes. Since the teaching of sport is directly related to the development of different capacities (physical, tactical, technical, social, among others), the use of different methodologies encourages each one or several of them. Therefore, the teaching models have specificities for certain learning gains, and when combined they can optimize the students' potential, configuring themselves as a means of helping teachers in the class content planning.

Cognitive processes are linked in the development of tactical and technical skills with one’s knowledge level, depending on the methodologies used in the process of training students to high performance. Its evaluation is an essential component to contribute to the planning and application of teachers and/or coaches in the following processes: selection, classification, motivation, learning, guidance, awarding of grades, vocational suitability, program evaluation, personal evaluation, public relations and research10),(23),(37),(44.


The total number of articles included in the sample of the present study shows an increasing interest of the scientific community in assessing the benefits of teaching programs for the learning of team sports. It was also seen that there is currently a tendency to change and/or add content and variables in teaching programs, since the results reveal that teaching reflects the advantages that each model has to promote the teaching and learning of tactical, technical, and socio-emotional components, and so on, which involve team sports.

In addition, further studies are needed in other databases so as to expand the real state of the art in relation to the application of pedagogical interventions in the teaching of team sports. Furthermore, the present systematic review allowed us to analyze the studies of pedagogical intervention with team sports and observe new directions of research, such as the application of teaching programs in different modalities since the initiation phase to high performance.


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  • 2 Silva AF, Conte D, Clemente FM. Decision-making in youth team-sports players: A systematic review. Int J Env Res Pub He 2020;17:1-23. Doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113803
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  • 23 Balakrishnan M, Rengasamy S, Aman MS. Effect of Teaching Games for Understanding Approach on Students’ Cognitive Learning Outcome. WASET2011;77:961-963.
  • 24 Psotta R, Martin A. Changes in decision-making skill and skill execution in soccer performance: The intervention study. Acta Gymnica 2011;41(2):7-15. Doi: 10.5507/ag.2011.008
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  • 35 Gil-Arias A, Arroyo MPM, Rabaz FC, Moreno A, Alvarez FDV. Manipulación de los condicionantes de la tarea en Educación Física: Una propuesta desde la pedagogía no lineal. Retos2016;29(29): 22-27. Doi:
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  • 37 Lopez I, Práxedes A, Del Villar F. Effect of an intervention teaching program, based on tgfu model, on the cognitive and execution variables, in the physical education context. Eur J Hum Mov 2016[acesso 20 Mai 2022];37:88-108. Disponível em:Disponível em:
  • 38 Práxedes AP, González LG, Cortés ÁM, Arroyo M M, Domínguez AM. Aplicación De Un Programa De Intervención Para Mejorar La Comprensión Táctica En Fútbol Sala: Un Estudio En Contexto Educativo. Movimento2016;22(1):51-62. Doi: 10.22456/1982-8918.55024
  • 39 Gil-Arias A, Harvey S, Cárceles A, Práxedes A, Del Villar F. Impact of a hybrid TGfU-Sport Education unit on student motivation in physical education. PLoS ONE 2017;12(6):1-17. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179876
  • 40 Harvey S, Gil-Arias A, Smith ML, Smith LR. Middle and elementary school students’ changes in self-determined motivation in a basketball unit taught using the tactical games model. J Hum Kinet2017;59(1):39-53. Doi: 10.1515/hukin-2017-0146
  • 41 Hortigüela Alcalá D, Hernando Garijo A. Teaching games for understanding: A comprehensive approach to promote student’s motivation in physical education. J Hum Kinet 2017;59(1):17-27. Doi: 10.1515/hukin-2017-0144
  • 41 Nathan S. The effect of teaching games of understanding as a coaching instruction had on adjust, cover and heart rate among malaysian and indian junior hockey players. Sports2017;5(4):44. Doi: 10.3390/sports5020044
  • 43 Claver Rabaz F, Jiménez R, Gil-Arias A, Moreno A, Moreno MP. The cognitive and motivation intervention program in youth female volleyball players. J Hum Kinet 2017;59(1):55-65. Doi: 10.1515/hukin-2017-0147
  • 44 Práxedes A, Domínguez AM, Serrano JS, García-González L, Álvarez FV. The effects of a comprehensive teaching program on dribbling and passing decision-making and execution skills of young footballers. Kinesiology2017;49(1):74-83. Doi: 10.26582/k.49.1.6
  • 45 Farias C, Valério C, Mesquita I. Sport Education as a Curriculum Approach to Student Learning of Invasion Games: Effects on Game Performance and Game Involvement. J Sports Sci Med 2018;17:56-65.
  • 46 Práxedes A, Moreno A, Gil-Arias A, Claver F, Villar F. The effect of small-sided games with different levels of opposition on the tactical behaviour of young footballers with different levels of sport expertise. PLoS ONE 2018;13(1):1-14. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190157
  • 47 Hodges M, Wicke J, Flores-Marti I. Tactical games model and its effects on student physical activity and gameplay performance in secondary physical education. The Physical Educator2018;75(1):99-115. Doi: 10.18666/tpe-2018-v75-i1-7551
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    04 July 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    01 June 2021
  • Reviewed
    09 May 2022
  • Accepted
    10 May 2022
Universidade Estadual de Maringá Avenida Colombo, 5790 - cep: 87020-900 - tel: 44 3011 4315 - Maringá - PR - Brazil
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