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Jornal de Pediatria towards the world


Jornal de Pediatria towards the world

Renato S. Procianoy

Editor-in-chief, Jornal de Pediatria

Medical journals form a contingent of approximately 25,000 journals and the great majority have only a local range. In order for a journal to have a wider visibility it is essential that it be included in an internationally accessed database, allowing systematic research. Index Medicus/MEDLINE (IM/MEDLINE) is, currently, the most important database in the area of biomedicine. It catalogues around 4,600 journals selected according to criteria. The inclusion of the Jornal de Pediatria in this special group makes it possible to search for the articles published in the Jornal de Pediatria through PubMed search engine.

This conquest, which has made the Editorial Council of the Jornal de Pediatria and the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics very proud, has brought fresh challenges.

The facility with which a large number of readers may read the articles within a journal is also fundamental for it to attain a wide distribution.

Currently, the Jornal de Pediatria publishes its articles in Portuguese or Spanish and makes them available through the electronic journal ( the full texts of all articles published in both Portuguese and English.

The Jornal de Pediatria Editorial Council knows that the satisfaction of the authors and readers of a scientific journal is imperative if success is to be attained. Both demand a journal of excellence with rigorous scientific criteria and ethics. However, while it may seem unbelievable, sometimes their interests conflict. The authors' objective is to publish their research papers and the readers are interested in reading them, with ease.

Currently, articles are indexed in IM/MEDLINE in the language in which they were printed, i.e. Portuguese or Spanish. Despite the existence of an unabridged electronic version of the same text in English, if a bibliographical search is run on PubMed, if the researcher limits their search to English articles published in the Jornal de Pediatria in Portuguese or Spanish are not returned. This process is common when bibliographical searches are run at the large international research centers since the English language has traditionally been used for medical publications.

The Jornal de Pediatria is interested in becoming a journal with a wide coverage. It is important that the papers published in the Jornal de Pediatria are read by the scientific community, just as we hope that non-Brazilian investigators will publish in the Jornal de Pediatria.

This is one of the dilemmas resulting from the growth and development of the Jornal de Pediatria in recent years. It is impossible to mature without pain and suffering. After innumerable consultations and ponderings, which included the opinions of authors, readers and the presidency of the BPS, the Editorial Council came to certain conclusions which will be implemented in the next issue of the Jornal de Pediatria. Articles will be published in the language in which authors submit them (Portuguese, Spanish or English), and these articles will always be made available in Portuguese in their entirety in the electronic version of the Jornal de Pediatria. Thus, authors will be at liberty to publish in the language they deem most appropriate. Review articles and supplements have the objective of updating the readers of the Jornal de Pediatria on subjects of great pediatric interest, and are directed, primarily, at the Brazilian pediatrician and, therefore, will always, compulsorily, be published in Portuguese, with English and Portuguese versions in the electronic journal.

With these measures we hope to please our two most important target publics: authors and readers.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    09 Aug 2004
  • Date of issue
    Nov 2003
Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, CEP: 90480-000 , Tel.: (+55 51) 3108-3328 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil